The Democrats are having their convention this week in Philadelphia. They like to decorate the venue in patriotic colors, except Democrats like to go with more communist red than others.
However, there are some flags that won’t be welcome at the Democratic National Convention. The Mississippi state flag, which includes the Confederate battle flag, was removed from the Avenue of States that was set up for the convention.

From the Clarion-Ledger:

The Mississippi state flag will no longer be featured as a part of the Avenue of the States on Philadelphia’s Broad Street erected for the Democratic National Convention. The flag was taken down Monday afternoon by the city’s police department after a group of roughly 50 protesters sat in a roadway shouting for its removal, the Associated Press reported. In video of the removal, cheers can be heard as the flag is taken off the lamp post.

Every other state and the District of Columbia is still featured.
But Soviet flags were welcome at the DNC. The Soviet Union and communism were responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people.
Communists held a march for Bernie Sanders outside of the convention. Throughout the day, Bernie supporters taunted Hillary Clinton and her supporters.
Other flags that were available were Palestinian flags. At least one delegate had one on the floor. The Palestinians are responsible for numerous terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians.
Democrats and progressives have no problem waving the flags of tyrants and mass murderers, but are triggered by a state flag. Sounds like a bunch of people worried about the wrong things.

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