If you haven’t heard of The Young Turks by now, you likely will soon. The progressive news and commentary YouTube channel has 4.5 million subscribers and growing. With the rise of representatives in the mold of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, their influence on shaping the modern Democratic Party is self-evident.

And if you need evidence that TYT’s unprincipled ideologues are trash, look at Hasan Piker.

The host mocked Rep. Dan Crenshaw’s war injury, saying “some mujahideen, a brave f**king soldier f**ked his eye hole with their d**k.”

Per Mediaite:

Piker was mocking an appearance by Crenshaw on podcast The Joe Rogan Experience where Crenshaw had said many are quick to blame America’s foreign policies for causing terror attacks, but it is much more complex than that. “There’s always bad guys,” said Crenshaw. He said that America’s expansive military basing in other countries, is warranted and wanted by the locals. “There’s no case except in the case of Syria, where their local government, Bashar al-Assad, doesn’t want us there. That’s the only case that I can think of that we don’t have a status of forces agreement with the government.”

Piker had also sounded off on Twitter, claiming that America supplied arms to and trained Osama Bin Laden:


Yesteday, he called Crenshaw’s “right wing victimhood” a disease for talking about a joke made about him losing an eye:


Crenshaw also joined in. “Lol sorry for triggering you Hasan. You’re no Pete Davidson, stop trying so hard.”


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