Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ) explained to his constituents how illegal immigrants are necessary to support the local economy in New Jersey’s 7th District.

His explanation that they are willing to do the work that teenagers are supposedly refusing to, including mowing “our beautiful lawns” left something to be desired.

The Daily Wire’s Molly Prince reports:

“We have to think about the jobs because the reason this happens is because there are a lot of jobs in our community that, like it or not, for better or worse, Americans are not willing to take,” Malinowski told the crowd while appearing at a town hall meeting.

“I mean, who do you think is taking care of our seniors? Fifty percent of the eldercare workers in the state of New Jersey are immigrants, most of them legal — most of them documented — but certainly some of them are not,” he continued. “Who do you think is mowing our beautiful lawns in Somerset County? We don’t usually ask but a lot of those workers are undocumented.”

Malinowski contended that the illegal immigrants residing in the area are able to fill the gap as teenagers who historically have been working menial jobs are now focused more on a white collar education in the technology sector.

“There just aren’t a lot of kids who — sorry — are from Montgomery High [School], who are going to be doing that full time,” the Democratic lawmaker said. “You guys are going into robotics, for goodness sake.”

Malinowski then joked that the students were a “bunch of elitists” who wouldn’t “mow lawns.”

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