Photo by Gage Skidmore

Gov. Ron DeSantis is now demanding that Floridians have access to covid treatments that have been shunned and banned be the FDA.

The Details: DeSantis is now claiming that the Biden FDA is withholding potentially lifesaving treatments from Floridians at high risk of hospitalization and death due to Covid-19.

In response the White House has claimed that the treatment in question: monoclonal antibodies which are manufactured by Regeneron have been shown to be ineffective against the Omicron variant, causing the FDA to withdraw its approval for the drug.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki spoke out on the issue, saying: “Let’s just take a step back here just to realize how crazy this…We’ve seen, unfortunately, from the beginning, in our pandemic response, a range of steps or pushes that have been made through social media platforms, unfortunately from the mouths of elected officials, advocating for things that don’t work even when we know things do work.”

The State of Florida was forced on Monday to close all of the Regeneron treatment centers it had opened to help high risk individuals due to the FDA’s decision.


  1. Three weeks from now you will wish you had started today. Simply give it a shot on the accompanying site.

    GOOD LUCK… 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐲𝐬𝟎𝟏.𝐓𝐤

  2. Try as they might DeSantis plays them like a fiddle. He’s Trump minus the baggage, and far better attuned at beating them at their own game. Expect the personal attacks and destroy-at-all-costs approach from the media to ramp WAY up as we approach 2024.

  3. It is an individual decision between physicians and patients. MCA IS sjown effective against Omicron in MOST complete trials and studies. 6 other treatments are also highly effective. None of the mRNA, high risk GMO injections are as effective as MCA’S. 2 Other suppliers of MCA’s are also being blocked by Fauci & Biden administration. The misinformation and propaganda being spewed by Biden’s administration is causing many to become hospitalized without the otherwise readily available therapeutics and treatment protocols needed early in progressive viral infections. It’s proven that having an active coronavirus infection, and early treatment is THE #1 safest and longest protection found. With many of the most effective early treatments in use for 20+ months now, all based on alternate application of medications no longer restricted by the original patents & licensing, and not needing FDA review or approval for Covid use; it is attrocious that federal beurocrats are exerting such drakonian & potentially deadly bans and blocking the “standard of care” recommended by the world’s leading clinical experts; preventing millions of coronavirus infections from becoming severe and becoming severely contagious.
    For all the immunocompromised and at risk citizens; who can not risk the complications conclusively determined to be caused by the mRNA injections in UK and EU studies & clinical treatments for liver, heart, and brain damages. Now peer reviewed and published in leading medical journals, after 1st released in Journal of Hematology in EU.
    The political & profit motives within the US Democrat’s propaganda onslaught is truely saddening, and likely verging on criminally withholding medical care from those dependant on government controlled medical care.

    1. Also recently published in the US JAMA journal.
      Some states are promoting the Democrat’s political propaganda by implementing extreme measures to punish physicians providing patients with their previous treatments for chronic conditions; only because the same medications at similar doses are also effective in preventing coronavirus infections from becoming severe, in the now standard therapeutic protocols.

      The CDC’s recent study of protection effectiveness for double and tripple injected mRNA trial medical experiments at the US formulation’s dosages showed more protection for infection cases un-injected than those last injected 6 or more months prior to becoming symptomatic. With the PCR cycles (relative level of infection) practically the same for 2 injections and uninjected infected and negative “control” cases. Those @ double injection risk showed an avg. 19.5 cycles or magnifications to shiw positive; while uninjected were less than 1 cycle different at 18.7 Ci. (Cycle index). So relatively close in viral loads when tested by PCR testing.
      All openly available in multiple publushed study results in pertinant medical advisory journals. A primary reference for PRACTICING, PRESCRIBIMG, PROVIDERS OF DIAGNOSTICS & TREATMENTS.
      NOT so much by pharmaceutical corporations, stock analysts, hedge funds of Legislators & Federal Beurocrats, or pharmaceutical reserchers like multi-millionare from mRNA production licensing, Dr. Fauci.

  4. I had the Omicron variant & used the antibody treatment it cleared it up in 4 days. The New FDA head has stock in these drug companies & is forcing people to use the new pills they are sending out, this is to make himself & other politicians money in their pockets, He has conflicting interest here & he should be removed from office. Just more proof these people who hold a seat in Congress don’t have our best interest in heart. Thank GOD we have a Governor who wants to do his best for the people he servers or our state would be no more.

  5. (siiiiiiiiiigh) Once again, we return to the Obama Eternal Truth, “Don’t underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to * * * * things up!”

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