Photo by Carol M. Highsmith via Wikimedia Commons

The legal defense team representing Kyle Rittenhouse is now demanding a mistrial after accusing the prosecution of withholding a key piece of evidence.

As The Daily Wire reports:

The seven-page mistrial request alleged that prosecutors had high-resolution drone footage but failed to produce it, only showing only a grainy low-resolution version of the footage in court. The defense said they only received the higher-resolution clip later on Saturday after testimony was over.

The footage was used by the prosecution in an attempt to prove that Rittenhouse chased the first man he shot, Joseph Rosenbaum, before their positions switched and Rosenbaum began chasing Rittenhouse.

The “compressed version” of the footage “was not as clear as the video kept by the state,” the defense said in their written motion.

“The failure to provide the same quality footage in this particular case is intentional and clearly prejudices the defendant,” the motion stated.

The jury is currently still deliberating on Rittenhouse’s fate. The judge will rule on the defense’s mistrial request after the jury delivers its verdict.


  1. Why can’t the prosecution tell the truth, show the evidence, show the drone footage, show the correct constitution verbiage of the Second Amendment, instead of lying to the jury, instead of trying to convict an innocent man of murder. They had no case and still they lied, they should, THE PROSECTUTION SHOULD BE CHARGED AND DISBARED! No Justice Anymore! PERIOD!

    1. Prosecution is merely a leftists dream to cause division and uprising in the United States. Commiecrats. Withholding vital evidence so the Jury could be swayed it tantamount to Felony.

    2. Here is a partial explanation:
      The Star Chamber was an elitist-operated “justice system” or tribunal originally designed so that the British aristocracy was assured a fair trial whenever they actually faced a criminal charge. In other words, it was a special court for the power elites that was separate and superior to the courts used for average peasants. Publicly, it was also presented as a means for commoners to redress grievances against aristocrats, but it was well understood that the Star Chamber would rarely go against the nobility UNLESS they had also offended the king.
      During the unrest in the colonies, however, the Star Chamber was used in a different manner; it became a weapon to crush dissent among subjects that spoke out against the empire and sowed the seeds of “sedition.”
      The dreaded court was highly secretive, and the public was often obstructed from its proceedings. Its rulings were overseen by the establishment rather than a jury and in many cases, those people being charged were never given a chance to defend themselves. They were sentenced before they ever entered a courtroom if they entered a courtroom at all. And silence was often considered an admission of guilt rather than a right of the accused. Punishments were brutal, including torture and imprisonment under the worst possible conditions.
      The death penalty was not allowed, but the court would instead place defendants in conditions so horrible that they tended to die on their own.
      All of this was justified under the claim that every person charged was treasonous, and therefore they did not deserve a fair trial among their peers. After the war was over and the British were defeated, the Founding Fathers drafted large portions of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in order to counter and prevent the same abuses they saw under the Star Chamber. The 5th Amendment in particular was directly inspired as a way to stop Star Chamber-like abuses of court power.

      1. globalist puppet barry soetoro and globalist puppet chester biden are globalist puppets, preaching globalist agendas .


  3. This is same as false testimony. The prosecuting attorney’s need prison time.They are pure evil to know he was defending himself but hide truth to try to convict him.

  4. They should have a mistrial this kid should have never been arrested self defense and innocent until proven guilty that’s how it should be. Free Kyle. Let’s go Brandon!

  5. This video was used as evidence but never offered into evidence and subjected to scrutiny or giving the defense an opportunity to inspect it. This is prosecutorial misconduct. The prosecutor should be fired and subjected to disciplinary charges. If Rittenhouse is convicted, it’s reversible error for the judge not to grant the motion.And it should be with prejudice; a re-trial only puts Kyle through the ringer again and drains his resources. This travesty should be ended soon.

    1. And that he didn’t kill the 3rd globalist puppet; anitfa or blm and he will go on to commit more crimes and get away with them until hopefully next time he is shot and killed .

  6. It is another case tried in the media by liberals!! This young man should be called a Hero for doing what grown men were afraid to do! He stood up to terrorist destroying everything in sight!

  7. Classic case is Brady vs. Maryland 1963: If the prosecution possesses evidence favorable to the defendant, it must hand over that evidence to the defense. This applies to criminal cases, as in a Colorado Board of Medical Examiners case, to attack a whistleblowing doctor, the prosecutors withheld evidence that the patient’s death was due to a nurse overdosing a patient with morphine, leading to a respiratory arrest, and altering the medical records so that the doctor did not know what had happened. When the doctor discovered, after the “trial,” and appealed, the Board’s lawyers said that since the Board case was a civil case, and Brady was a criminal case, they didn’t have to let the defendant doctor know.

  8. How do dishonest people live with themselves? Its a boys life you are playing with. An innocent child who only wanted to help those in need of Medical attention or fire (He also had with him a fire extinguisher and Medical bag) Why didn’t the law Enforcement in Kenosha do their job instead of leaving it to civilians?

    1. globalist puppets; demonrats and rinos accept globalist bribes and rely on globalist voter fraud to appoint/reappoint them and use their bribes to supply their drug habit to deal with their dishonesty .

    1. What less to expect from a globalist puppet CRIMINAL prosecutor, male named claire, you know he has got to be angry at himself . . . . .

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