Photo by Gage Skidmore

The Biden Administration’s Special Envoy for Haiti has now turned in a stunning resignation letter to the President in which they blasted the administration for its treatment of Haitian refugees currently camped out under a bridge in Texas.

As MSN reports:

The U.S. special envoy for Haiti has quit his job in a blistering resignation letter saying he could not be associated with the Biden administration’s decision to deport thousands of Haitian migrants to their home country, a move he called “inhumane” given the deteriorating security situation in the country.

“Our policy approach to Haiti remains deeply flawed, and my recommendations have been ignored and dismissed,” Daniel Foote said in the letter addressed to Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday.

“I will not be associated with the United States inhumane, counterproductive decision to deport thousands of Haitian refugees and illegal immigrants to Haiti, a country where American officials are confined to secure compounds because of the dangers posed by armed gangs in control of daily life,” he said.

Foote was named special envoy in July just weeks after the assassination of Haiti’s president plunged the country into political turmoil.

Haitian has recently been plunged into chaos after the shocking assassination of its President, in addition to mass food shortages after a devastating earthquake in August.


  1. Biden the racist does not like Haitians because they’re black. I lived there for three years and met the nicest people. Yes, they’re poor, largely uneducated, and black … all the reasons this administration doesn’t want them here.

    1. He is not deporting many back to Hatie, there all being sent around our country speeding COVID and other diseases putting are citizens in harms way! He should have only let them in if hey got the vaccine and checked for other diseases but one thing you can count on from this administration is incompetent and clueless about everything!

    2. So what are we supposed to do with them. We have plenty of uneducated people of color to feed and cloth. Why is it out place to save them from gangs. After all we can’t protect Americans from gangs.

    3. It is not being racist to deport illegal aliens, illegal aliens should be deported to wherever they came from regardless of race or ethnicity, period! Race should not be a factor or have any consideration in the matter. Being here illegally should reign supreme.

  2. It’s ironic that Americans are paying for other blacks to be deported from Israel. I don’t see any resignations from that embassy.

    1. There is a huge number of Black Jews from Africa living a good life in Israel. ISRAEL DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST BLACKS in spite of what you choose to think!!

    2. America isn’t deporting blacks, as you described them, from Israel. They’re Ethiopian Jews welcomed into Israel with open arms. So it’s the other way around.

    1. I understand that most are from Chili, & Brazil. Some from Africa . They are not Haitians if the reports are correct. But that does not matter . They are braking the law of the USA.

      1. They are from Haiti and have lived in South America for years. They were told to toss out their So. American IDs and just say they are from Haiti to claim asylum to USA.

    2. I guess the Biden regime has never ridden a horse, they have this apparatus called a bit, halter, and reins, to steer and control the animal. They rains fly around when you ride the horse.

  3. What happened to all the good works the Clintons and Hollywood celebrities did to improve the lives of Haitians after the previous earthquake? For a period of time, the media praised the do-gooders. A lot of money was raised by the Clinton Foundation to aid the people there. We need a good investigative journalist to investigate!

    1. Don’t you remember the Clintons collected all that money for Haiti but it did not get disbursed from the Clinton Foundation? When under investigation for that, the Prime Minister for Haiti was coming to America to testify against the Clintons…he was killed on the way.

    2. As I understand it, Haiti is the absolute Epitome of Corruption, like Nobody EVER, and it ALL gets funneled into a Few, LITERALLY, pockets
      They should practice More voodoo!

      HATE to Say it, but when a country’s Government is KNOWN to be THAT corruot___ DON’T give them OUR money! PERIOD!!! DEMAND the present people in control be Ousted and offer to HELP THEM SET UP A NEW GOVERNMENT___ we have Brilliant people that Do JUST THAT around the globe, primarily Africa, of course___ but DON’T just give them money that they HAVE PROVEN just goes into a select few Terribly corrupt pockets.
      It is Insane to do the SAME thing Over and Over when it ALWAYS meets with Same FAILURE. These poor people as Dumb as COWS. If you Don’t basically run the show FOR them, they will just fall prey to a Few EVIL Crooks, ONCE AGAIN.
      Now, do we Really want to HAVE to Do that?
      GODawful situation all the way around.

      TRULY a Tragedy of Mankind is Haiti.

      1. Plus then some of it gets kicked back to the politicians & their families in the USA under the guise of foundations ETC.

  4. Oh boo hoo. Haiti needs to take care of its own people. I hope we have learned that we cannot be the baby sitter for the whole world. Quit looking to the USA to bail you out of all your self caused grief. Stand up and make your own country great. You want to come to the USA, that’s just great. We would love to have you if you come here legally. If you come ilegally, take whatever comes to you and suck it up. I hope they all get deported in rusty old ships from WWll.

  5. The end of democrats is near, too many failed polices, they will loose the majority of offices in the mid terms, thank you joe biden, Country does not want your failed polices, or the idiots who are pushing that adjenda of unAmerican ideas.They caught up with the clintons their lies, they will catch up with biden his lies understand Hunter’s computer finally proven factual.Time for Congress to impeach all traitors. Too many failed policies to rehash, but let’s just stay on the computer content, trading loyalty for money, mark of the bidens wealth, do we really need someone in office, who has sold out Americans, for foriegn interestforiegn money? Who is controlling the loyalty on those in office, time for full investagations into the decisions being made against America.Wake up Congress what are you going to do about this delusional denial of American laws? corruption probe into the bidens is long over do, how about it Congress ? Monday, September 13, 2021 Freedom Watch’s Citizens Grand Jury will put Joe Biden before its Citizens Grand Jury on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, and present evidence of alleged homicide, treason, involuntary manslaughter, reckless endangerment and death to children to seek his indictment. The actions of Biden have caused the deaths of American servicemen and Afghan allies, and scores if not thousands are to be expected in the near, medium and long term at the hands of the Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists, as a result of the recently obtained arsenal the terrorists here allowed on behalf of Biden and his cabinet. This man is now wanted for criminal actions by the citizens of the the United States  once again. where is Congress on this matter?

  6. Help the Haitians in their own country. Organize volunteer groups to work along beside the Haitians: do I hear some of Hollywood and Silicone Valley giving generously of their time and money? This situation is ripe for church mission groups. This would be great for inner city teens to get school credit for working in Haiti and and learning construction skills for a semester. Talk about an opportunity for hands on math and science! Teachers could go and teach the history and geography of Haiti. The benefits to both countries are obvious.
    BTW We have gangs and governmental corruption, too.

  7. It’s ok to import terrorist Muslims by the tens of thousands,but not hatians with real problems. Goes to show you oshitstain is running bidens shit show. Ochimpy needs purged from this country, and life. Ready to piss on their grave’s

    1. Rather crude, but I’ll be the guy squatin’ next to you Shittin’ on That grave.
      O – ne
      B – ig
      A – ss
      M – istake
      A – merica
      That Evil bastard suuuure has and IS bringing a final close to The United States.

      Yes, let’s take the Greatest, Freest, Wealthiest nation in the history of Mankind and FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE IT.
      GREAT F_______ IDEA, you Ambassador of Satan

  8. So where the hell did all those Haitians go? Did the idiot plant them on some unsuspecting interior town or city? Or did they go back to Brazil and chli?

  9. I guess the US Special Envoy for Haiti wants to bring a deteriorating security situation into the United States.
    One who is praying constantly for the rightful votes that Democrats helped emigrate to Biden be forcefully returned to Presidente Trump.

  10. We’ll have to help Numb Nuts with the Big Words. Lord knows those teleprompters have 4th grade level terms for him to speak.

  11. Impeach the Racist Rapist biden and harris for Treason and Sedition against the American People and the Constitution

  12. None of these people have applied for asylum, therefore there are in our illegally and deserve no special treatment. They should be sent back to where they came from and make it better.

  13. most of the haitians didnt even come directly from haiti. Most of them have been living in other
    countries like Brazil, Columbia. They were perfectly safe in these countries so this coming to u..s. is a phony. Its only because Biden said—-come on in–they should all be sent back to the countries they came from


  15. Except when you read the Envoy’s letter, it becomes obvious this flake is protesting that we’re not importing MORE Haitians.
    This Envoy is part of the problem. The misguided Democrat belief that all of the world’s problems are our responsibility.

  16. Since WORLD, except commies, are ALL ANTI BIDEN, wouldn’t it be easier and more intelligent to remove fraud Biden and traitor government?

  17. All the chaos is artificially created. President Trump has the right idea. Give each Country opportunity for growth and Citizens get a chance to earn money and enjoy life as God intended. But the Cabal create Earthquakes to force more poverty onto poor Countries and keep them poor. The most children trafficked are from Haiti and other poor Countries, and the Pedophiles take full advantage, stating with the Clintons! Thats how President Trump solved the Middle East Problem, by making opportunity for growth in Arab States so they wouldn’t prey on their neighbours . NWO Globalist’s are pure evil. This invasion was designed to cripple Americas Economy and turn it into a slum

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