Photo by Keith Mellnick:

Richard Trumka an important political ally of President Joe Biden and head of the powerful AFL-CIO died suddenly on Thursday.

As Politico reports:

Richard Trumka, president of the powerful AFL-CIO labor organization, has died unexpectedly, two sources told POLITICO.

Trumka, 72, had served as president of the federation, which represents more than 12.5 million workers, for more than a decade and has been a close ally of the Biden White House.

Trumka died of what was believed to be a heart attack, a source familiar with the matter said. It was unclear when exactly it occurred though believed to have taken place either Wednesday evening or Thursday morning.

Trumka’s sudden demise is likely to potentially cause problems for Biden in his future relationships with organized labor.


  1. As Christians, we are obligated to accept the God will forgive this man’s evil support of socialism and communism. Now that he can no longer harm this country, may his soul find forgiveness and peace in Heaven. I hope to be offering this same prayer for many of this man’s past evil associates in the coming days.

      1. You mean he ‘had’ to seek that forgiveness. If he didn’t, no amount of intercessionary prayer is going to change where he spends eternity.

    1. Charles, I agree that God is gracious. I also know that the only way to the Father is through the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

      1. Jesus is the only way and if he died not knowing Jesus no prayers will save him . Especially if he is a part of the baby sacrifice or human trafficker elite ! Depart I do not know you !

      1. Hahaha, exactly. And, he, she or it could be stronger than the second bout of the corona bogus virus. Maybe there will be a vax for that too.

    2. Charles, nothing in the bible indicates that we can receive forgiveness after we die. Today is the day of salvation. There is no forgiveness of sin apart from the shedding of blood. Jesus Christ, the Messiah, died that we might receive forgiveness thru His shed blood and resurrection. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ who will either be your Saviour or your Judge when you die.

    3. Charles, you are a good man.
      Somehow I don’t believe this corrupt individual is in heaven. I believe this filthy man spent more time on this earth doing more harm than good, and ruining lives of those that didn’t quite see things his way.

    4. The concepts of Communism and Socialism appeal to people who don’t understand that their government is not beneficent, rather, the population must have final authority, under the terms of a national charter, to ensure their leaders will conform to established limits of their positions. Communism unleashes a government to expand in size, scope, cost and authority. Hence, tyrants will adopt and promote the ideology in order to structure an inviolable, oppressive and entrenched regime from which they can dictate unchallenged. That is why the first manifestation of a forming communist regime involves their ministering to segments of the population, focusing upon “Equality” of genders, races, now sexual orientation and citizenship status. Once those useful idiots are convinced that they’re the apples of their representative’s eyes, tyrants will have a go-to voting constituency consisting of a sizable portion of the gentry. Religion must be suppressed under communism, because the only ‘hope’ or ‘faith’ of the people must be dispensed from their capitals, and any other form of authority or guidance is eliminated. Of course, once the level of authoritarian mandates begin to adversely affect the general population, they will have already been deprived of their means to redress their leaders, including the disarming of any dissidents, control of the media and suppression of free speech, all of which entails the dismantling of the very charter tyrants sanctimoniously swear to adhere to. One more aspect is very important to the rise of tyranny: Education. Our young people are now the equivalent of Hitler’s youth, as they’ve been steeped in the fundamental elements of the socialist/communist zeitgeist. They were also denied the knowledge of history with regard to how that zeitgeist resulted in the brutal oppression of populations throughout the world.

      1. Thank you for the lesson this is exactly what has been happening, are you a commie ,socially, or Christian?

      2. Agreed, it was a huge mistake to take Americanism versus Communism out of our high schools. Also, we should have watched much more closely the draft dodgers that decided to become professors and warp our youth. Parents need to counteract these actions with lessons at home.

    5. All chances of forgiveness cease the moment we die. Repent and accept CHRIST as LORD and SAVIOUR today. Today is the day of salvation, no one is promised tomorrow.

    6. Sorry but GOD ONLY forgives those who follow his commandments; 1> Hear the Gospel; 2. Believe the Gospel; 3. Confess your Sins; 4. Ask for Forgiveness; 5. Be Baptized by being FULLY emersed in the water.

      1. The thief on the cross was never baptized and according to Jesus is with Him. Repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ is what is required for salvation. Acts 20:21;Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 10:9-10. The gospel has never included works or baptism and the bible is clear believing the gospel is required for salvation alone. 1 Corinthians 15:1-8

    7. There is no forgiveness of sins after death. Only in life can we receive forgiveness when we confess and repent of our sins and put our faith in Jesus Christ. You will not find anywhere in God’s word that says otherwise. If this man never accepted Jesus, which his life indicates he did not, then there is no hope for him.

      1. Since he is deceased I don’t believe it is our purview to judge him in death. I believe the Lord is merciful and whether or not a deceased person spends eternity in Heaven or hell has been decided by his God.

    8. IF THAT IS TRUE WHAT YOU SAY…… THERE WOULD BE NO ONE IN HELL IT MUST be heartfelt REPENTANCE God can see into any mans heart AND and you are still responsible for ones actions before death IF NOT there would be no need for hell…example read Jesus story of The Rich Man and Lazarus THE BEGGAR in LUKE 16:19 TO 16 :31 THE RICH ASKED TO FORGIVEN AFTER DEATH AND WAS NOT THE LINE IN THE BIBLE THEY BOTH DIE Lazarus went to the arms Abraham and the other to hell…this is small part you should read the whole thing…24So he cried out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue. For I am in agony in this fire.’ 25But Abraham answered, ‘Child, remember that during your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things. But now he is comforted here, while you are in agony. 26And besides all this, a great chasm has been fixed between us and you, so that even those who wish cannot cross from here to you, nor can anyone cross from there to us.’…

    9. Sorry press the COMMENT button before I had a chance to edit by accident and there is no edit button on this web forum 
      IF THAT IS TRUE… WHAT YOU ARE SAY…… THERE WOULD BE NO ONE IN HELL….. It must be heartfelt Repentance. And you will still be judged…God can see into any mans heart and you are still responsible for ones actions before death… IF NOT.. There would be no need for hell…Example: Read Jesus story of The Rich Man and Lazarus the beggar in LUKE 16:19 TO 16 :31 THE RICH ASKED TO BE FORGIVEN AFTER DEATH…. IN THE BIBLE THEY BOTH DIE Lazarus went to the arms Abraham and the rich man to hell…This is small part you should read the whole thing…24So he( the rich man ) cried out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue. For I am in agony in this fire.’ 25But Abraham answered, ‘Child, remember that during your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things. (The rich man would even give the crumbs that fell off his table to Lazarus) But now he is comforted here, while you are in agony. 26And besides all this, a great chasm has been fixed between us and you, so that even those who wish cannot cross from here to you, nor can anyone cross from there to us.’…

  2. stuff your theatrics schooooomer.. trumpka was nothing but a union goon that visited weekly (and sometimes more often) that kenyan negro clown that probably “won” the office of president twice in the exact same way that obitemine won it in 2020 .. just what the USA needs – clerk unions. The teacher’s unions are just as corrupt and incapable .. we had the hores strike here and then drive to the capital to tell folks that we elect how they should conduct state business… hores should have come home to pink slips.. then the next year all year long they whined about being forced back into the classroom … looks like the hores in the house in DC will probably help those worthless union hores continue to sit at home catching that nice government check for doing nothing ..

      1. And O’s first term was probably a fluke by people voting in primary to keep Killary from getting nomination!

        1. His being selected to be the democrat candidate came about because the media decided he was the preferred candidate (black won out over female) and started promoting him while working against Hillary. Thus the people voted against her.

    1. Right here at the end you mention the way to solve the teachers Union problem! …..sit at home catching the government check for doing Nothing…….. they don’t want to go back to work teaching. And shoving their Evil down our kids and our thrower, then STOP Paying Them!!! Neat concept Huh!!!! I Believe our great President Ronald Regan. Told the Flight Tower Union for flight controllers, you go back to work or your all fired, guess what President Regan fired all their asses! Period! Locked the doors, told them all. no Play No Pay.!!!!
      That will take care of the Teachers Unions!
      Love to see this happen!

      1. Amen to that!!! Teachers get paid for sitting at home while the middle class small businesses are locked up unable to earn a living. Now, those that have renters are going bankrupt because Biden’s letting their renters off the hook (to get their votes) for paying rent for ANOTHER few months…and there’s 9,500,000 jobs available for all of them to work. (NOTE: Why don’t the dems big bank sponsors/contributors take part of that financial hit, but NO…they are the dem’s favorites these days.)
        It’s bad enough that teachers always demand the same pay as comparable private industry jobs,…BUT they don’t talk about the fact that they only work 3/4’s of the year and take 2nd jobs in the summer…and get MANY benefits and pensions that the private sector employees do not get! And you and I pay for that!

      2. My daughter worked just as hard or harder at home teaching her classes. Not all teachers were lazy during the Wuhan virus shutdown.

    2. Unions are the devil on earth. With today’s labor laws there is ABSOLUTELY NO NEED FOR UNIONS.
      They are mob racketeers that threaten and shake down employers, sometimes to the brink of non existence. Not to mention, they will hunt you down and threaten to hurt you if you don’t oblige.
      It’s an arm of the mafia. That’s why this Trumpka will have a very steep uphill climb to heaven.

    3. I said all these teachers that left their classrooms should be fired..I worked with a lot of them. I answer to O’s election, I still believe he was not a cit untill she married Mike.

  3. I’ve worked both Union and non union. Union sucks, unless your of mediocre intelligence and have no drive to work hard. Workers all work differently, some are slow and screw up often, others work hard and accurately. Why pay them only according to their time at the company? Oh, that’s right. Socialism!! Drop dead, commie turds!!!

  4. Is he “crying” fake Dem tears because they’re terrified of losing the support? He shouldn’t have to worry, laborer unions have always been corrupt, so I’m sure they’ll continue supporting the Democrat corruption machine… Birds of a feather…

  5. TIME FOR ALL THSES DEMOCRAT NUT JOBS TO GO CLEAN HOUSE, Violating his Oath of Office… No more nuts, no more democrat, time to clean house. Wanted for crimes against the United States, those who allowed invasion of our southern borders, against the laws of the United States, Wanted also those involved in transporting illegal aliens around the United States by plane, bus or other commercial carriers, against established State and Federal laws, Wanted those involved in the spread of the covid virus through out the United States in Lew of International laws, ignoring Home land security safety laws an National CDC prevention laws to protect against the spread of the any virus ,Wanted those who appropriated an allowed misuse of government funds not authorized by congress to help spread any virus with the infected illegal aliens, within the United States, against all established laws. Any one involved in these unlawful activities are subject to criminal charges not only now, but in the future .Pelosi an Biden two political hacks, Pelosi now thinks she runs the House and also Senate, Biden thinks he is also Governor of Texas, are they now trying to form their own government? Sorry, you two old farts, you have lost your minds, they know the house will be republican soon, ,the investigations will begin, the corruption of both will be well known to all. The Democrat party will become lost in time, just as their KKK was lost in time for democrat history. Both are in so far over their mental capabilities, IQ levels any cognitive control screens. Most Biden executive orders are illegal, most Pelosi edicts are worthless, just like most of San Francisco has become desolate to real Americans. There are so many law suits against the Biden administration he has to hire more and more layers at the tax payor’s expense ,what a way to govern, Biden follies will continue right up till he is impeached or resigns, The Biden covid border invasion continues up until Americans begin to die, criminal charges will be pending.

  6. Just another dem that got in the way. Suicide? self inflicted with 2 shots in the back of the head while sleeping. LOL One doesn’t know for sure with these people

  7. It is a shame that Trumka never realized how the Democrat party had abandoned the working men and women of the country over the past couple of decades. Hopefully the union members realize this before we turn into North Venezuela.
    Trumka was a staunch union leader, but, as we have seen with our government leaders, power corrupts and total control becomes an addiction.
    Rest In Peace Mr. Trumka.

  8. It was Trumpka’s time to go and he did. Which way, up or down, no one knows. My guess he slipped through those fiery cracks to the flames below!
    But when Biddyboy Biden goes, it won’t be up or down. He’s going to be stuck in Pergatory for a very long time learning about ALL THE BAD CHOICES HE MADE IN LIFE — especially choosing to lead our Nation with a compromised brain!

  9. Disband all unions, they are NOT needed!! They just get rich off the backs of the American workers! They think they are something they are not!!
    No work no pay … period!!
    Send the crooked leaders to prison to work for free . We still have cotton to pull In Texas

  10. Now, he will have to account for ALL his MISDEEDS and INVOLVEMENT in CORRUPTION on this earth!
    This is a trip we all can’t escape, however, it seems like the wrath of God is becoming extremely clear.
    God have mercy on us suffering under this regime.

  11. Good riddance! Anyone who serves that imposter is evil and only wants to destroy us! I’m sorry but this is the way I feel!

  12. I am very sure this man was an leader and upstanding pillar in the community of organized crime and probably deserves much kudos from his father in Hades and as such should be made a member of the “Eternity of Firefighters” sorority there! 😈😈😈

  13. I sincerely hope that he was ‘right’ with the LORD. Ultimately, that is the only thing that really matters in this life.

  14. I believe they should, but also think that’s their choice, If they don’t care to then let them be disgraced.


  16. Heaven is not a free pass. One must confess one’s sins to Jesus Christ, ask for forgiveness and ask Him into one’s heart. Then join a Bible believing church and WORSHIP God, not ignore Him.
    Hell is as real as Heaven. You must choose your destination by LIVING FOR JESUS!

  17. The need for unions has passed. The union leaders have become self-anointed demigods who answer only to the DNC, and at times, make demands of the DNC concerning the control of the US government and We the People. The members of unions should stand up and refuse to support the unions which are destroying not only their jobs, but also, this country.

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