Photo by Gage Skidmore

Florida Governor Ron De Santis called out President Biden’s new, ultra-liberal stance toward immigration during an appearance with Fox News host Judge Jeannie Pirro.

De Santis not only slammed Biden for throwing the borders of the US open to illegal immigrants but also claimed that this decision was ‘intentional and ideological,’ indicating that he believed that Biden’s border policy was part of a larger strategy to destabilize America’s political system.

As The Daily Wire reports:

On Sunday, Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, widely considered a leading candidate for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, slammed the Biden administration for its policies regarding the southern border of the United States, where a surge of illegal immigrants has flooded the area and left border patrol sounding the alarm over the crisis. DeSantis fired that under former President Trump the border was under control, but that the Biden administration “created this crisis. … I think that this is intentional. I think this is ideological.”

DeSantis also noted that the recently-passed $1.9 COVID relief bill rewarded Democratic-run states that had damaged their economies with strict lockdowns rather than states like Florida, which had acted to make sure their economies stayed afloat, blasting, “It’s effectively a transfer of money from states like Florida and Georgia to states like New York, Illinois, and California. It stinks to high heaven.”

Additionally, DeSantis asserted that his state would not tolerate the kinds of rioting and looting that have plagued other states, pledging, “We’re targeting local governments. If they try to … indulge in these kinds of insane fantasies like defunding law enforcement, the state will take action and defund them as municipalities. … Anybody that wears a uniform, don’t have any doubt: the state of Florida stands with you.”…

DeSantis stated: “Well, it obviously is a disastrous change in policy, Judge. If you look, Donald Trump had obviously the wall, which we all supported, but also safe third-party agreements, as well as ‘Remain in Mexico.’ And guess what happened? The border was under control. So they’ve gone back on those policies, and they’ve created this crisis. But I think that this is intentional. I think this is ideological. I think that they’re getting bit by this, politically now. But I think that this was something that they absolutely anticipated.”

Do you think President Biden’s immigration policies are part of a larger, nefarious, democrat political agenda? Let us know what you think in the comments below.



      1. Don’t let your lying eyes deceive you. Look up the Cloward-Piven strategy and see how it operates. Wonderful wonderful gift from academia

    1. globalist puppet, chester the molester biden is working with globalists and globalist puppet $oro$ to destroy American freedom .

    2. Do you actually watch the news?NO, Biden is not trying todeśtroy out freedom!That was trump and the Russians. How soon we forget…

  1. Biden is doing everything according to the communist playbook. His orders are to destabilize and bankrupt the United States so that the government has to take control if everything. Wake up America! We must take him to court every time he opens his mouth or signs a paper. He is guilty of treason against the citizens of this Country and our Constitution.

    1. Wake up America is right on Cheri. I’m the lone voice in a family that votes Democrats. These people are intelligent – UNTIL it gets to vote. It’s not that Biden didn’t spell it out before the voting – I mean who the hell would vote for Biden’s platform? – apparently intelligent people, many of whom just did not like DT – things better change in the mid-terms.

    2. Exactly! This isn’t an immigration issue – it is an invasion, planned, coordinated and supported by the democrat party! We need to call it what it is – an invasion – and that would be treason!

    3. I thought Texas and Arizona filed lawsuits to halt the moratorium for the first 100 days of biden’s being in office! The demonrats are trying to get more votes and be in control forever!!

    4. Amen! The whole Radical Socialists Democratic Party needs removed from Government (charge them with Treason & a threat too our national security. We need a Military take over led by the Republican Party & if needed, also fighting True American Patriots too retake our Freedom & Country back. The Democrats need charged with “Treason” & put in-prison for their betrayal of America. We all need too pray for the future of our children & the safety of our Country. The illegals need too be sent back to their countries. Our Country can’t sustain this invasion. Please God Bless help us find a way too take back our Country, Freedom, Laws & our will too fight, too remove these Radical Policies. Where is the Supreme Courts? Why are they being paid for doing nothing. Also, why are we not utilizing the other courts as well? If they are crooked, then we need too remove them. Why should we be playing by the rules & laws when the Democrats don’t. As a matter of fact they just change laws too enforce their agendas. Why doesn’t our Police go in & arrest Cuomo & put him on trial like our Country always have done.🙏🇺🇸

  2. The boob does not have a brain in his head. He just does what he is told. By whom? God only knows..I pray daily for our country.

    1. His puppet masters are piglousy and Schemer.. Two turds looking for a punch their bowl. Don’t think Hildabeast doesn’t have a finger in that pie as well.. Her days of grifting are far from over!

      1. Obama and his holdovers like Rice are calling the shots since they now can be open on what they really wanted to do when in power. Of course the whole Demagogue Party is of the same twisted evil mindset.

  3. I would like to take a minute and thank every idiot that voted for Biden. I hope that you get affected by the terrible decisions that this incompetent clown makes.

  4. He is importing as many illegal aliens as possible, with the intent of making them citizens, all democrats, on the welfare systems. He is buying votes.

  5. Biden is brain dead. It’s the dumbocrap party that pulls his strings. The American citizens have got to pull their head out of their ass and realize what that party is all about. They despise freedom and America. Biden is just a fool and doesn’t grasp a thing that he is doing and if he did know he would do it anyway because that is the kind of garbage he is and the rest of that democrat party is all garbage also.

  6. YES!!! President Biden knew exactly what he was doing when he stopped the ” Remain in Mexico” and when he stopped the building of the Border Wall.

    Offering free medical care and free schooling and everything else that Biden offered on the campaign trail, that’s NO REASON that we have this disastrous situation on the Border.

    Biden and Harris are a disgrace for our country NOW PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They need to be elected out of office in 2024 NOW PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Letting IAs cross the boarder that have a high rate of Covid 19 is criminal and an extension of China’s plan to weaken and dominate America and other countries by spreading the virus. We need some answers. The weak Biden Administration, far left Socialists policies, will destroy us all. This country already has a huge homeless population do we really need more?

  8. I think The Democratic Party has turned into a disease, a disease like syphilis. infecting one, yet infecting all!

  9. He is working for the New World Order. He knows that a one world ruler cannot rise up if there are any countries with borders or sovereignty or walls or fences. He is biding the Antichrist’s will

  10. Of course this is DELIBERATE!! The Dems HAVE to keep a crisis going NO MATTER THE COST TO THE UNITED STATES! These pathetic pieces of filth who ACT like they are representing Americans have obviously brainwashed their followers to the point that they can only “GROUP THINK”! WELL HEAR THIS YOU DAMN DEMS, THERE ARE MILLIONS OF US WHO WILL NOT BUY YOUR CRAP AND ARE PREPARED TO GO AGAINST YOUR CORRUPT EVIL REGIME!!! Thank God for REAL LEADERS LIKE DE SANTIS!!!

  11. When republicans re-take the house and senate in 2022, the first thing they need to do besides grow a pair is impeach and remove that fraud in the White House.

  12. I think Biden was put in office by those bent on destroying America, they openly defied the law to rig the election in what must be seen as a nearly bloodless coup, certainly a Godless one. All those who had part in this I can see only as traitors.

  13. Biden can screw up the country, then when Kamala takes over she can reverse his executives orders and will praised as a hero. Biden needs to be put in a home for the mentally deranged, soon. Kamala then comes in to replace him and slams him for being inept and does 180 degree change. She will hailed as the next savior. It’s all an act and planned to scam America.

  14. YES Biden is playing catch up for the 16 year plan(can be viewed online). He is trying to fast track the plan to make up for the 4 years of Trump being in office, had to undo many of the benefits that President Trump worked so hard for. Our American Democrats believe that China will allow them to continue their Power and control after this country has become a Communist Country. They will be surprised when China takes over the entire country and their power along with it. We hope that Trump and the Alliance will prevent this from happening as they continue to work in the background
    God Help us

  15. I think the Democrat agenda is to ruin the economy by the destruction of what President Trump successfully has done for the country. They are llegaly letting people into this country and giving them money from American taxpayers and caging children that should be sent back to where they came from, the democrats need to be stopped for they are putting American citizens life at risk of great harm to include death.

  16. Biden will go down in history as the worst President since Andrew Johnson. In Biden’s own words – “don’t under estimate the American people.” I think he already has.8

  17. It is time for the free citizens to make a stand before the bidens of the world seize your property. It happened in Cuba . The communist came in and seized property no questions asked. Close to home.

  18. This is not a crisis. This is an invasion orchestrated by the Democrats to undermine the integrity of the United States. Article IV, section 4 of the Constitution obligates the United States to defend each state against invasion. It is also under separate agreement to defend Texas against invasion.

    Texas should demand that the U.S. either blunt this invasion or Texas should rightfully do it itself.

  19. The Democrats have always never seen those coming over the border by the thousands inanimate not human beings in any way.

    Their only value is that they are Democrat VOTES.
    If they thought that a majority would vote Republican they would have the military down at the southern border with tanks.

  20. Biden needs to be hung for treasonous crimes against the American people…along with his party members

  21. Why anyone should follow executive orders than hinder their state development and security …including ccp virus sick people crossing the border..
    Don’t wait today MUST sue Nancy Pelosi for gross negligence causing the wrongful dead of Ashli Babbit in the Capitol riot, she was unarmed, who gave those orders to the the Capitol police to shot an unarmed person without first giving prior notice of that they will be shooting at them , violating the law.
    No one is above the Law not even the POTUS, Nancy fired the experienced Capitol chief of police days before the riots and placed an inexperienced person to be in charge, refused the offer from the POTUS TRUMP to have 10,000 troops to stop riots in DC, there are multiple videos that show how the Capitol Police let the rioters in the Capitol and also guide them to the chambers then inside to ambush them and gun down an innocent person.
    We The People want the Law to be upheld even to everyone, no one is above the LAW.
    Now the say the Capitol police that shot Babbit is in hiding who is helping him to do so, and why they haven’t open an investigation!!!.

  22. It’s called the Cloward Piven strategy designed to overwhelm the system to force us into socialism. This is been going on for years but it’s reached a crescendo under the criminals in the office today

  23. Biden created this problem – explain to me how these people are allowed by lae to cross the border – to come into USA a person has to be authorized by law – if not they are ILLEGAL – (NOT LEGAL) – But Biden is a demented Pedophile woman abuser/rapist criminal – what happened to the Articles of Impeachment brought by Greene also what happened to the rape allegations by his former staffer?

  24. Biden knows that letting these people in and then rewarding them with tax payer funded free stuff they will end up being democrsts so they can keep the fee stuff coming. Dems have killed all their next generation democrsts through abortion so they see illegals as their next generation of voters. “If you rob Peter to pay Paul you will always have Paul’s support.”

  25. Republican patriot Governor Ron DeSantis, best governor in the United States. No other come close! They need a Ron DeSantis type in New York and California!

  26. Joe Biden is part of a group in the democrat party that has it’s goal as the destruction of the United States. The immediate closing of oil pipelines, rejoining Obama era foreign policies that degrade and endanger America, as well as throwing open the southern border are all intentional ad Governor DeSantis has stated. Everything Biden is doing, is in violation of the Constitution and is placing every American in financial and physical danger. What Biden is doing is also a threat to our National Security and he is doing it intentionally. He is intentionally violating the Constitution, which, in my opinion, is another reason to call for his impeachment. Kamala Harris is just as responsible, if not more so. It is obvious Biden is just an incompetent political puppet for what the democrats are doing and is just a temporary figure until the left can get Kamala Harris into the presidency to follow through with the financial and security destruction of this country. Governor DeSantis is right. The left, which Harris is about as far left as they come, will use groups like BLM and Antifa, to hopefully cause fear and ultimately, submission to the radical socialist/communist intentions of the Democrats. Remember America, Socialism and Communism ARE FOR THOSE WHO ARE GOVERNED, NOT THOSE WHO GOVERN. Americans are starting to feel the suffering caused by the democrats. Remember, when you are highly taxed and there are shortages and more government controls, your democrat leaders will not be hungry or go without, you can count on that. The latest Covid relief bill is just another example of how Biden is boasting of taking away from American citizens and giving to hundreds of thousands of illegals you and I will have to pay for. Great job Governor DeSantis, stay strong. Time to stand up America ad stop these idiotic democrats. God Bless America

  27. No doubt at all that old joe is being used to ruin what America was and stands for…..They are focused on a “one world order” m which will never happen since there are way too many countries and differences in thinking of law and order, to where it could ever come about to go smoothly……….

  28. This individual that is Living in The Peoples House, at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington,DC, could find his Brain , he would try to take it out and play with and also try to use it, to REMOVE the Yellow Dtipe down the Middle of his back.
    We are being Served a Third term of the 44th So called President .
    God Bless The United Stars of America, One Nation under God.!! 🙏🙏🙏🇱🇷
    God Bless President Donald J Trump.,🙏🙏

  29. To spread virus & crime in the US, Cartels run border
    Time for war on cartels Big time
    But under Biden No alas

  30. The reason Biden received a foreign dignitary gun salute INSTEAD OF TTHE 21 GUN PRESIDENCIAL SALUTE is because he is not president, he is a china operative!!!! YES, the CCP agenda is to destroy the USA and they are well on the way if they are not stopped!

  31. I believe Democrats are in partnership with China to destroy our Country. Since Biden opened our borders; we will lose our Sovereignty as a nation, and our citizens will not be safe. Is this why the US Capital has a fence surrounding it.


  33. Anyone who agrees with the Biden policy of throwing open our borders to unknown and illegal aliens, has a hatred for our country and our population. These unknown threats to our safety ,our health, and our systems, show just how unthinking these people are. WHY? Why would our supposed president want un checked possible covid carriers coming into our country to spread disease after the horrifying death toll inflicted on us by the China virus?
    This fool speaks about LETTING us have small barbecues OUTSIDE with a very few close comrads and then turns around and lets people who have no legal right come into our safe space, and bring their disease, crime, and unknown backgrounds, into our home?
    Hatred for us or the demonic plan to aquire new Democrat voters, no matter how much harm they may bring with them.
    Im just sick with rage to see all the blood sweat and tears our TRUE PRESIDENT spent, at huge cost to himself, to fix this impossible problem of illegal invasion into our country, get torn apart by jealous petty sickening people, who dont give a damn about us or the country that gave THEM so much. The answer is, these people are trying to destroy America and give China the victory of world dominance.
    Time for the last line of defense, our states legislations to grow a spine and stop it at once. They alone can block the insane absolute rule of the Biden administration. Biden himself is indeed a Trojan horse as PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP warned us.

  34. His and those under him are obviously trying to destroy the country, the citizens and our successful way of life. There can’t be a country without controlled borders. They will be gone when the damage will destroy our country and beconstitutional rights we live by.

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