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  1. The 6 turncoat RINOs should be thrown out of the Republic Party PERIOD!!!! They were never for President Donald J Trump or never will be!!!!!

      1. I’m trying to post this as much as possible – please consider and do same. I’m in complete disbelief of how we are being sold out by far left commie leaning globalist who are controlled by the dynasty families who’ve been inbred for hundreds of years and are bat A** crazy. They are controlling much of our government and Not just politicians. They’ve infiltrated some of our highest government agencies and we’re seeing the results IF you’re paying attention. O’k Conservatives have to STOP making Evil people who hate us Powerful. Most American Corp. are controlled by these evil people and so the BEST thing for us Patriots to do is STOP Buying Anything other than absolute Necessities like Food and Medication. Of course paying for heating fuel is something we’ll do to survive. But, if you don’t have to drive (and these days we don’t do much of that) Don’t. Consolidate trips out to a minimum. Conservatives are going to have to learn to take a page out of the liberals handbook. Do you realize Ivanka Trump doesn’t have a business anymore due to the left going to the retail outlets that carried her line and threatening to have protesters at their stores if they continued to carry her line? Walmart no longer (has been around 7-8 years now) carries gun or ammo at 90% of their stores nationwide? Dicks Sporting same thing…these commie leaning demonRats are slowly marching us down the road to Serfdom. We’ll be a banana republic soon if we don’t figure out how to Stand Together and make sacrifices. Use small businesses when you Must make a purchase. Use your local SuperMarket for food Not the Big Box Stores. These people take your money and then use it against us. They FUND the DemonRats and their political agenda. I don’t know how we reach 70 million people but we have to try. Election Intergrity is something we can deal with at the state level so watch what your state legislatures are voting on. Some 10-12 states are looking to make Mail In Voting a permanent law and they want it to be mandated Federally. That MUST be Stopped. So pay attention and get small groups of like minded people involved in your community. Keep passing the message on to Fight for our Freedoms. Censorship is going to get worse so acting quickly is important. Support Real Conservatives with the money you save from not shopping. Make do with what you have because hitting them in the pocket is how we get our voices heard. They want badly to silence us with packing the courts and elimination of the electoral college. We will be one party Ruled the end of our Republic is near and we MUST Stand together. God Bless America.

    1. They are as evil as the democrats they voted with! Birds of a feather flock together!!! Remember who they are and what they are when they come up for re-election. Vote them out!!! They are not doing the job their constituents voted them to do, so should never be elected, again!!!

        1. it is pretty much the same traitors all along. Susan Collins was just re elected and that is a shame. Lisa M of Alaska voted with the Dems a lot of the time. They are in mixed states, fine. Let them run as Dems but not as GOP. The GOP is quiet and they do their dirty work behind the scenes. They love letting the Dem get the photo ops as they do their backroom deals too.

    2. yes but the RNC is not backing Trump and it is such a dilemma we have now. Trump did so much but he needed to focus more on the ground with the party by firing so many in the gov’t and DOJ, prosecutors, and get a RNC Chair that would do something to save us! The opposition says he is the leader of the Party but the rinos and theives in the party stabbed him in the back. and are still pushing him out. Will the 80 million people who voted for him,,,Republicans, Independents, and even Dems let their voices be heard? Contact the RNC and demand they clean up the party or else!

      1. Rona head of the RNC has made me go to Independent!!!! She hasn’t backed Trump, probably scared of the backlash, so the EVIL DEMOCRAT’S rule.

          1. Ronna McDaniel is a turncoat. She needs to be fired. As long as the RNC employs her I will not contribute to the party. Of the things she is most guilty of, deferring money away from the candidates we sent in support of. She turned on the President, these idiots think that everything will soon be forgotten with Trump out of office. The RNC support for Liz Cheney is another problem. I. have cut off my support for the RNC, about $5K per year. I will send direct to candidates, no longer WinRed.

        1. watch your state legislators and what they’re voting on – 10 plus states are bringing up legislation in their states to implement Permanent Mail-In Voting. As conservatives we can Stop making evil people who Hate us powerful by a STOP SPENDING till our voices are heard. I’m not sure if it’s NOT too late already. BUt, we have nothing to loose except a little inconvenience to ourselves – go to small businesses if you Must buy something. NO BIG BOX STORES you know who they are and if you don’t JUST don’t buy it because all the Big Corp. are funding the DemonRats. Stop the commie take over of America. Save your money and not in the banks….in your flower garden etc…. the banks prop up Wall Street and they do not like conservatives. The biggest problem in making this work is people making excuses because of the own interest. If you don’t see how it’s going to go over the next few years you’re not paying attention. Don’t worry about your 401K because they’re going to confiscate any earnings on it with large tax increases over the years…they’ll need to. so if you think MISTAKENLY that you’re going to be saved in retirement, think again. They’re coming after every cent they can find. What you and your employers put in might be safe, but, whatever it grew thru the markets will see outrageous taxes…Lots of prayers for America and our Constitution. As Franklin said ‘We leave you a Republic IF you can keep it’ and later when asked what he meant by that he supposedly said at a dinner party ‘it’s meant for a moral man’ you all know that they have worked at taking God out of our lives for the past 40 years and breaking the family unit down as well. These commie tenants are easy to trace – no prayer in school – under the pretext of separation of church and state….We should have fought against this with every fiber of our being, but, we just accepted it. Then HollyHOOD a big corrupter of morals and family values. Why did conservatives allow their children to be corrupted? Then lastly our institutions of higher learning…for 40 years the campuses were teaching commie doctrine while putting down American values. Now it’s in our our secondary and elementary schools. Is there anyone out there paying attention?

      2. Massive Boycotts rather STOP BUYING anything that is not absolutely necessary like food medicine and fuel. Make do with what you have people. Get away from The Big Corp. who are all tools for the demonRats. Use small businesses if you must buy something. Yep it might cost a couple bucks more not to go over to Walmart, but, in the long run you will We will, all be better off. We need to watch what our State legislators are doing. There some 10 plus States trying to implement Permanent Mail In Voting. This country will be a Banana Republic if we don’t have Election Integrity. Censorship is coming at us big time. It s pretty bad already, but, it’s going to get worse. Conservatives need to start standing together. A little inconvenience now may prove a life saver going forward. Yes it’ll be hard to get 70 – 80 million on board, but, even 50 million will get our voices heard. Money drives them it gives them power STOP making Evil People who Hate us powerful.

    3. I Agree we need to note who is standing with Democrats and vote them out it is time we take back the Republican party and our Country time to eliminate domestic terrorist like most of the Democrats and about two dozen RINOS

    4. Toomey from PA not running again – don’t know about the other five. Pat Toomey had nothing to loose, but, he’s unpopular and wasn’t likely to win re-election anyway.

    5. I am so damn sick and tired of these turncoats. And Facebook. Every time I say anything good about Trump. I’m in Facebook jail. They love their Muslims,you better not say anything bad about Muslim on Facebook. You go to jail. Believe me I know I’m there all the time by saying something good about Trump. I’m all for him. The best damn president we’ve ever had. He cares about the country and the people. And this is what the trash is trying to avoid people saying stuff nice. I don’t think people understand Biden has disrupted their economy. And destroyed our way of life.


    1. The problem with that idea is that there can never be election reform whilst the Demo’rat scum are in power. As long as there is no honest elections. the Demo’rat scum will always be in power. No, it will be necessary to come up with other means.

      1. Follow the money and dry it up. At the rate they are going we are all going to be out of work. They are so stupid, if Americans cant work, Americans cant pay taxes, no taxes no money to pay the traitors. For those that are supported by big companies boycott the companies products. Americans used to barder for supplies and goods. No money changes hands no profit no taxes.

        1. I notified the RNC that I would only be giving to specific candidates unless they will run other candidates against these RINOS. YOu see these politicans are forced to do fund raising for the parties if they want backing when they run for re election. So, yes, stop the donations to all of them esp the traitors.

          1. People decide if they will run in an election…not a party..that being said, the party either funnels money to that candidate or they don’t.
            As far as Rona McDaniel…I have never heard her say anything derogatory about President Trump. Quite the contrary….all I have ever heard from her is praise for him. You must be listening to “DEM” propaganda or fake news or you are a Dem trying to promote a false narrative.
            I don’t know how these rhinos like Murkowski and Romney and the rest of them keep getting elected. That is the biggest problem with the Republican Party. Too many peo0le want to be “free thinkers” and be “the guy or gal of the moment” just for the sake of being different.
            Unlike the “DEMS”……who stick together and rally behind anyone that has a D behind their name. Like Laura Ingraham said… “They would support Adolph Hitler if he was their candidate”. And, they would give you 100 reasons why everyone should do so…then, all the DEMS, FAKE news, and wacko liberals would say “yeah”!!
            They already do support the “Adolph Hitler” of NY….scumbag, pompous, arrogant jerk Andrew Cuomo.
            He should be serving a life sentence in Sing Sing prison.

    2. Our votes will never be protected as long as the Democrats are in office. Pelosi has shit on everyone and blackmail is not beneath her. We need to vote them all out every chance we get. We need proof how the nation voted. Vote out the traitors to this country. Demand they are treated as such. This can be done peacefully I hope.

      1. Yes our Government needs a change . . A blind person can see the crooked democrats. Actions speak loud. Trump is a doer. Worker. Achieved what he needs do. He was / is for American ppl.not for the rich

        1. The old RNC would still recruit new RINOS they are already trying in the next four Congress Special Election Be sure and post and tweet to friends and family in Louisiana. New Mexico and Ohio to get out and vote for NEW Republicans. Democrats are already saying they are winning these special elections we need to keep pushing back every chance we get

  2. It is unconstitutional and as for anyone who has played a part in all the hate for Trump and all the impeachment talk from the time he was elected and the spying and dirty tricks they played before….God knows and we know.

  3. Let’s see we sent them to Washington to be lawmakers yet they don’t know the existing laws.
    Next stop loss of first and second amendment. Romnuts must have a political suicide wish . Utah.One of the most conservative states in Union and he represents it. He should have stayed in Taxachusitts

    1. I hope so….we do need to get the election fraud under control also. We need to keep fighting….oops guess I’ll be called an insurrectionist now….


  5. All these republican senators need to be primaried when their election comes up !!! They are traitors to our party!!

  6. These turncoats are a joke, the Republican Party is dead without Trump and these idiots are to stupid to understand that!

  7. The 6 Republicans Who Just Voted to Affirm That Impeaching President Trump is ConstitutionalHow when the costitution state only a sitting president, and Donald Trump is not a sitting president, but an US citizen.
    these 6 need fired for violating the law and the Constitution.

  8. Not really surprised that Collins, Romney and Murkowski voted against dismissal but Toomey from my state was a little bit of a surprise. He has, these past few years, gone into bed with the dems and I doubt he would have survived another election. Once he declared his intent not to run again his hidden liberal attitude was free to come out into the open. His vote in support of gun control measures in collusion with the demorats would have lost him those same votes that put him in the senate to begin with.  

  9. Impeach these rinos … hope trump go after these traitors.. by supporting other republicans real patriots for office.

  10. 6 rino’s they believe that Republicans are afraid to loose senate seats so no matter how they vote they will still get party support for re-election. The problem is if they vote with the democrats it the same as losing the seats. But McConnell and the the power player s see it as opportunity. The American people booze either way.

  11. No surprises there! They should all be primaried by an America first conservative and the RINOS gotten rid of

  12. ridiculous and as for as the opening arguments From the impeachment morons was nothing but theater and absolutely nothing was brought to validate the unconstitutional tactics these people are a disgrace to themselves and america.

  13. I hope the Republicans in those states remember these 6 rhinos come election time and vote those scum sucking rhinos out. This is disgusting this is why the republican party is in the shape it is in. All republicans need to stick together that is the only way to oust these disgusting dumbocrats.

  14. Everybody that can needs to remember those six rinos at election time and vote them out. And as a matter of fact vote against sop-democrat for anything if you have the opertunity. They don’t like us or our country, they are just in it for their own gain.

  15. No surprise Check their Bank balances and past history Romney we know had his grubby paws in Ukraine money. Lisa and Susan went against repealing the Obamacare fiasco with John McCain and the others have been verbal All have something to hide.

    1. Especially with pelosi giving her committee seats to scumbags like Swalwell who said he’d “NUKE” Americans if they refused to hand over their second amendment rights. Those Dems like Swalwell definitely need to be tested for mental illness. And he’s only one Dem who need to also be mentally evaluated, tested and ordered to take a class on our US Const and bill of rights.

  16. Check their private charity funds and see how much they got from undisclosed Chinese donors.
    Vote all communist rino’s and democRATS out!

  17. Figures. If I lived in their state, I wouldn’t vote for any of them in the future. Period. Better to go to legislative war with those you can trust and can count on then have Benedict Arnolds in the ranks. And Ben Sass prides himself in saying how he will always stand up for the constitution. He shows he’s never read it or understood it or lived up to his oath.

    1. I find it laughable that so many of the dem senators like to pretend they’re constitutional lawyers, when several of the should be removed from power ASAP as they aren’t, just dem /rinos with a five year hatred for Trump. They, who can’t even honor their sworn oaths nor our US Const rights.

  18. Next they vote that water is dry and the sun is cold.
    Reality has left the building and only hate, mental violence and lying remains.
    We are truly back in the nazi times where evil is the driving force fuelled by unmitigated hate.

  19. The President trusted those in his party. These who are now condemning him can’t be trusted as conservations and supporting the Constitution.

  20. Those who voted and joined the Democrats in impeaching Trump are the only ones who understand the Constitution. Also, inciting violence has never been protected speech by the First Amendment.

    1. Trump never incited violence, and you can’t quote him as ever having done so. Appears it you and all the left’s social media sites are the ones not wanting to allow Trumps nor our free speech. Thus why they continue violating our rights to express ourselves. If you were paying attention, reading other sources, possibly you’d have learned it’s thecdems who have been acting out ther violence and calling for us to be eliminated, set to the communists re-education camps, or calling for all on the right to be ‘removed’.
      Might want to review that nutcases ‘joke’ as she holds Trump decapitated head in her hands. (Sick Cathy griffin). Etc etc

  21. They need to be voted out of office. Plain and simple. Tell the rest of the Rinos don’t bother to ever run. I’m going to work against Toomey in Pa. in his next run for Senate. I’m retired and have the time. Who’s with me?

    1. Thank you. Rather than just venting our anger/frustration about how they voted, we the people in our states need to get active and insure they aren’t re-elected. Talking isn’t going to change a thing, but doing our own foot work very well might get them out, along with all the progressives, socialists, marxist in the dem party. No one is going to do it for us.

  22. Trump NEEDS to start another Party, I’m done supporting these back stabbing creatures!!! I’ve changed to Independent until then. Rona head of the RNC has made several comments that affirmed that I made the right decision.

  23. Obviously, they never read the Constitution. This kangaroo court in unconstitutional no matter what the demonrats-devil-worshippers think.

  24. The weak six should be removed from the party as soon as possible. Since they do not support Pres Trump, who was cheated by illegal voting issues, we really do not such weaklings. Let them move over to the Dems where they can enjoy all the real cheating and fraud games.

  25. These slimy RINO snakes, remind me of a classic movie I watch, “Rosemary Baby” in which they all worshipped the Devil. Well these RINOS, all worship the Democrat socialistic agenda. Let’s send all these traitors back under the rocks where they came from, and them out of office. Lets not forget that back stabbing Mitch. Mitch, we will never forget your betrayal of our beloved, Former President Donald Trump. I will encourage all conservatives to remember these traitors, when you vote, or donate money. Let us never forget .

  26. They ain’t Republicans or conservatives—–they are all slimey losers–constituents from their states: VOTE ‘EM OUT! DO NOT FORGET THESE PIECES OF GARBAGE!

  27. The Author is WRONG. Those people named are NOT Republicans they are just another bunch of the Democraps RECTUM SUCKING PUPPETS.

  28. Remember their names and vote them out of power first chance their constituents are able to do so. Along with every dem who buys into this scam of another partisan hit job. To remove a president who’s term is already up. 🙄
    It’s all about the Dems unconstitutional agenda to keep Trump out of any and all government jobs in the future. 🙄🙄🙄

    This action is unconstitutional. No matter what the dem senators say. How many of them are constitutional lawyers anyway?. They’re nothing more than Dems who don’t honor their own sworn oaths nor ‘our LAWS ‘ themselves, most of the time. Along with constantly ignoring the protected rights we have that the constantly work to violate.

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