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Registered Republicans have turned out in person in larger numbers than Democrats in Florida’s most populous and most prominent Democratic county.

The development follows the Biden campaign’s decision to minimize its field operations there amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Per Fox News:

Campaign operatives told Politico that door-to-door efforts to persuade voters to jump on the Biden bandwagon were at a standstill and without funding — despite record-breaking fundraising hauls by the campaign — for months leading up to the final stretch before Election Day.

“We did not get the kind of funding for different vendors who would do that type of work until late in the campaign,” Rep. Frederica Wilson, who represents Miami’s heavily Black congressional district, told Politico

In Miami-Dade, 152,964 registered Republicans cast early ballots, leading Democratic voters, 146,371 of whom turned out early to the polls, according to state data on Friday.

Meanwhile, Democrats who mailed in their ballots in the county nearly doubled that of Republicans, 208,803 to 116,040.

However, Democrats are turning out at lower rates here than in 2016. This is a county where it’s imperative the Democrat Party runs up the score in order to stay competitive when the votes are counted in the Republican-dominated parts of Florida.

Hispanic Americans are arguably the most coveted voter bloc in left-leaning Southeastern Florida; however, Democrats have their work cut out for them after being perceived as too friendly with socialist regimes.

Help President Trump Stop Joe Biden [ACT NOW]


  1. You know I Would Huh ? Strangers in the night exchanging Glances ! https://static.wixstatic.com/media/245d97_c2b5f54e9a2b4aff984ed10156212fcf~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_780,h_408,al_c,lg_1,q_90/245d97_c2b5f54e9a2b4aff984ed10156212fcf~mv2.webp

    1. Ya just gotta 💖our President 😁& ya’ll Love these videos😀



  2. The democrats didn’t do door-to-door canvasing because part of the money that was raised for that went to the biden crime family. And because there was no door-to-door face time, the democrats will not turn out to vote, because they weren’t being paid to. The demos buy votes when they go door-to-door, this time no one is paying so their voters will stay home. The republicans on the other hand went door-to-door and registered millions across the country.

  3. To think that just today, those clowns on NPC (oops, I meant nBc) nightly fake news were still trying to convince us that Biden has already won the election, and was 10 pints ahead in South Florida for sure.
    I can’t wait to see the wailing and teeth-gnashing when Trump gets at least 310 Electoral votes this time. Break out the drinks and popcorn – it’s going to be fun!
    The leftist reaction will look like judgement day….

  4. There is a reason globalists and globalist puppet $oro$ and globalist puppet, chester the molester biden needed to mail out 800,000,000 unaccountable ballots !

  5. Florida has a more elderly population due to Seniors moving there for their retirement years. Most of them have been around long enough to know Biden’s political history. While there are bound to be some wild cards. Most can remember what the democrat party used to be. They can readily see the changes that have occurred transforming that party into the marxist bastion it is today. Many of them still love liberty & freedom. Some of them may have even been in the military and fought to preserve that liberty & freedom. Can Biden seriously expect them to vote for him?

    1. Agree,
      They keep touting the number democrat voters voting at a higher rate over repubs. I say, not all democrats march in lockstep with the marxist wing of the D party. There are true patriots in the D party that are sickened with the actions of the D party and will vote for Trump. That is also why you don’t see massive crowds at a quid pro joe rally. The crowd is made up of staff and reporters with zero enthusiasm.
      I have faith in the Patriotic Americans voting for America’s future over the dark winter pushed by the marxist democrats.

  6. The question I have is what happened to all the money Demoncrats were Supposed to be raising??
    Anyone checked Hunter for traces of this money????

  7. Not just Republicans. Many black American I know and work with are still PO’d at the Biden, “you aint black…” comment. Hispanics support is better than Biden thinks as well.

  8. Record breaking fundraising hauls? So guess where the money is REALLY going. You already know. Joe has it in his OFF SHORE ACCOUNTS.

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