stingrayschuller via Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden’s campaign rally claim that he was “raised in the black church politically” and “involved in the civil rights movement” as a teenager has been contradicted by church officials.

During the Democratic primary in January, Biden proclaimed at an NAACP event in Iowa that his political identity was molded by time spent attending a black church. “I was raised in the black church politically — not a joke,” he said to the audience. “That’s what I’m part of. That’s where my political identity comes from. And it’s the single most loyal constituency I’ve ever had.”

SEE ALSO: Delaware State University Refutes Biden’s Claim He ‘Got Started’ at the Black College

Days later at Bethlehem Baptist Church in South Carolina, Biden detailed his involvement with the black community as a youth. “When I was a teenager in Delaware, for real, I got involved in the civil rights movement,” he claimed. “I got my education, for real, in the black church, and that’s not hyperbole, it’s a fact.”

Biden went on to cite specifics about the church and anti-segregation protests he became involved with. “I’d go to 8 o’clock Mass, then I’d go to Reverend Herring’s church where we’d meet in order to organize and figure where we were going to go, whether we were going to desegregate the Rialto movie theater or what we were going to do.”

Civil rights activist Shaun King wrote that the former Vice President’s “absurd” assertions were untrue. He claims that Biden is “falsely claiming” that Reverend Herring was his mentor in 1960. “Four different people in Wilmington expressed to me that these claims of Biden are so outrageous and dishonest that it caused them to truly worry for his mental health.”

Now members of Union Baptist Church, formerly run by Herring, have gone on record to contradict the Democratic nominee’s claims. Herring’s decades-long assistant, Phyllis Drummond, told The Washington Free Beacon Biden didn’t attend church there in the sixties. “No. Not at our building.” 

Another longtime member of the church, Juanita Matthew, said Biden had become “a great friend of the church and pastor,” years later after his wife and daughter were killed in a 1972 car accident.  

Biden himself has contradicted his own claims in a 1987 press conference, noting that he was concerned about the civil rights movement in the “60s, but “I was not an activist.”  

He cited a 1962 job at an all-black swimming pool in Wilmington as the first time he got a “dose of exposure” to racial disparity. “It was an incredible awakening to me.”

It was also when he was 20-years-old, and not during his teenage years as he claimed. The former church members who spoke to King might be right to worry about Biden’s mental health.

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READ NEXT: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Niece Rips Biden’s Record on Racial Justice >>

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    1. For those of us that actually did the things he’s falsely claiming, he’s offensive, infuriating, and disgusting. Go away you dishonest, exploitive, POPooh Biden. Biden’s also one of the most racist people those in the know have ever seen, past and present. Biden embarrasses and causes shame to any decent, moral, and honest person.

      You can sign me the little blond white girl that did truly go to Del. State (before renamed university) and was also baptized in an all black Baptist church in Chester, Pa.

      1. The demonRATs ALWAYS accuse others of what they are guilty of, it’s the ONLY yard stick by which they judge you by, what’s in their own hearts and minds. When they call you a racist, and accuse you of crimes, it is because they are racists and they are guilty of those crimes. PERIOD.

        This is an old, old OLD tried and true communist tactic, of slander, smearing, mocking, poking fun, discrediting, character assassination, demonization, bullying and hate for division, and forming lynch mobs.

        They are pure scum.


  2. I don’t think he lies so much as he just doesn’t know the difference between what is, and what is not

  3. Funny , Most people with some “Common Sense”realize that to get yourself out of a “Hole”you have dug yourself into ,is to STOP Digging ! ‘But Some People just don’t have what it takes to understand what is so simple for most people………..

  4. How pathetic is that??? This guy simply makes up stories for whatever group he is speaking to. Shamefully, he could be our next President. God help us all!

  5. Does Joe Biden lie about everything. He lied about going to a black college, now about going to a black church. He’s lied about participating in the civil rights movement. He’s lying about Obamacare, his stance on Social Security, Medicare, the packing of the Supreme Court. His family using his position as a Senator and Vice-president for pay to play. His brother James used it to get government contracts to build housing in Iraq, Frank used it to get contracts in Miami FL, his son used it for contact to the Chinese, government, Burmisa in the Ukraine and then he received $3.5 million and probably more from the richest woman in Russia. How did he make these contacts through his father Joe Biden. Yet, Joe Biden says there is no truth to it even though Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee has proof Hunter received millions also from China and board seat on Burmisa and received $89 thousand plus a year even though he had no experience in the gas industry. Joe even had a prosecutor fired in the Ukraine by withholding a loan guarentee because he was investigating Burmisa. Biden is a dementia laden fraud being used as a stepping stone for Harris.

      1. Why can’t you post what you honestly know about this man. It would be refreshing to get some honest information. I would like to hear it. I am a Trump person myself but my siblings are Biden fans.

  6. We use to call people like biden, braggerts. full of BS. The first liar doesn’t have a chance. He is just an empty suit. 47 years in politics with nothing to show for it. In the Webster’s Biden is synonymous with phoney.

  7. He’s not only the sickest mentally and physically, the Democrats have foisted upon the American people as president, he’s also one of the most corrupt!

    1. Demo’s don’t want him for Pres. they want Harris but figure they must us Biden to get the election and then declare his unstable and send him home which then puts Harris in as Pres. Think about it people.!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. How does he explain his voting record condemning desegregation, and not wanting his kids to go to a school that was a jungle?

  9. At some point in the VERY near future, like NOW, someone has to call him out for what is not gaffs, but out and out lies. If he doesn’t know the difference between gaffs and lies, this man needs to be permanently retired and forbidden from public office.

    It’s bad enough to vote for a liar, and vote a liar into the highest office in the world, because a liar cannot be trusted any farther than you can throw him, he is not fit to make decisions that affect you, affect me, affect my family, and affect OUR country and the safety of it. But, if they are making gaffs because they are losing their mental faculties, this is a no brainer. BOTH are no brainer’s folks, and we need to stop voting for a party, we need to vote for our God and our USA by using our brains to vet these ALL who run for office, and we need to vet them before we vote.

    Anyone in ANY office, especially the highest offices in our country, who lies is a menace, not just to that office, but to society, because you never know what crimes they are orchestrating, hiding, covering up, and what enemies they are entertaining at OUR expense. In the case of Joe, it has been uncovered that he has made millions from his “quid pro quo” dealings with Russia, Ukraine, and China, AND, that his brothers, sisters and his sons were holding their hands out, too. And God only knows what all he’s done in his 47 years of fleecing our citizens and our country.

    There is no lower scum than the elite politicians who make billions by using the power of their offices as their crime central. They are leaches, hypocrites, criminals, and traitors. It appears that the communist muslim demonRAT party mafia has been doing this for a long, long, long time. They go into office moderately well off and pad their bank accounts with the 30 pieces of silver, and in the process they don’t work for our citizens, they USE the offices we entrusted them to, and they know EXACTLY what they are doing and they keep on doing it. They are corrupt and too busy padding their pockets and gaining absolute power and control over OUR paychecks to add more to their bank accounts. No wonder our economy and our country is in the state it’s in. They are out of control spenders with our tax dollars and they keep raising our taxes for their pork spending. They WILL tax us into oblivion and give government favors to their bureaucrats for their money.

    Life is their oyster.

    Lindsey Graham exposed obamacare (or lack thereof) as padding the pockets of the politicians at the rate of 33% of what it takes in to fund obamacare. That should be treason, because when they made this unconstitutional law, they wrote that caveat into the law. How monetarily convenient for THEM!

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