Niccolò Caranti via Wikimedia Commons

New financial documents reveal that as the coronavirus crisis throws the 2020 elections into doubt, leftist billionaire George Soros is pouring millions of dollars of cash into liberal groups planning to gin up the national vote.

Soros’ infusion of cash into get-out-the-vote efforts comes as Democrats plan to use coronavirus to implement a national mail-in vote.

“Soros’ $10 million will go to Win Justice, which mobilizes people of color and other infrequent voters who could be disenfranchised in the coming months as states battle over whether to hold in-person voting in November, an increasingly pressing concern among Democrats,” POLITICO reports. “He gave the money at a moment when many in the Democratic political world have warned that PACs and campaigns may run out of money as the economy — and with it, donors’ pocketbooks — seize up.”

“We made major commitments to the Win Justice coalition and coalition members because we want them to be strong and well-funded going into the 2020 election,” says a Soros spokesman. “The voters they talk to are among those who are most deeply and disproportionately affected by the upheaval the COVID-19 pandemic appears likely to cause in November.”

It is unknown how much Soros will pour into U.S. elections, after already pledging $18 billion to a spiders’ web of international groups.

And more cash is coming.

“Soros’ $28 million in donations, detailed in a new campaign finance disclosure from his family’s PAC, marks a major down payment on the election for the 89-year-old billionaire financier, who has not publicly outlined his spending plans for the 2020 election,” POLITICO reports.

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Michael Brigham has written for American Action News since the summer of 2019. His areas of expertise include foreign affairs, government, and politics, but regardless of the subject matter, he has a nose and an insatiable appetite for news. In his free time, he enjoys reading nonfiction, watching a mix of comedies and true crime documentaries, and spending time away from the swamp hiking in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.


  1. Soros worked for Hitler as a young boy and enjoyed doing things for Hitler. Now we have this bastard telling us how to vote? I don’t think so. He needs to be hung asap.

    1. Bob Trahan,
      do not hang this creep,just take away his citizenship and send him to France,or Hungary.


          1. I’ve always said for years now, get rid of Soros and alll his cohorts and you get rid of almost all the problems in this country. Seems nobody wants to take that on though so we live with problem on top of problem.

          2. I ike the above suggestion. He has the Democrats in his pocket and he is pushing ”the mail in vote project..The Democrats know the can’t beat Trump without Soros and cheating

      1. Actually send him to “Russia or any other country that has been trying to extradite him for criminal charges they have against him. Soros and the Left claims all the charges are bogus and political in nature but it’s really not our problem is it???? Take his citizenship away due to conduct unbecoming a Naturalized Citizen and then deport him to one of those countries. Even Hungary, his birth country, wants him on criminal charges apparently.

    2. He made millions by selling the English pound short. He started a rumor that the British pound would crash, and this caused people to dump the pound and it’s value tanked. He then covered his short sale with cheap pounds.
      This nearly broke the Bank of England.
      He is not allowed to enter England again.

      He then pulled the same trick in Indonesia where is also not allowed to enter again.

      1. I would bet he is behind the COVID-19 fraud. After the fake, illegal impeachment attempt, he made sure he would cause our economy to tank & started rumors about a recession within 3 days. I was a bit taken by the statement, thinking, there is no way because our economy was so great.

        The only way to take control of a country is instill FEAR & this is exactly what has been done to American’s. 95% of individuals are followers & just hand over their civil liberties without any restraint or even observing what is happening. I’m not certain he is a citizen & why would USA allow him to become a citizen after all the countries he has taken down???

        Clinton’s are involved with him. Schiff in involved with him. Pelosi is involved with him, all in the family matter. He looks like a Hitler. I wish Trump would kick him out of America, ban him & all his organizations & anyone who is connected to him.

    3. He’s another Hitler in the making. Dont gang him put him in front of a firing squad . Then you wont have too drag his Nazi arse down from the gallows .

    4. You’re 100% correct. He is a despicable creature. He’s trying to buy and change our whole Government. He should rot in Hell!!
      His nasty Family are/were Jewish and they gave up other Jews to the Nazis. They’re evil as can be!!

      1. NO its only to attack people that have little, they go after those who really haven’t done a thing…. That is why the FBI, CID, FAA, many other Federal agency need to be dismantled.

      2. NO its only to attack people that have little, they go after those who really haven’t done a thing…. That is why the FBI, CID, FAA, many other Federal agency need to be dismantled.

        1. This is what Trump has been attempting to do (drain the swamp), but, there are so many, it’s difficult to take them out. AG Barr is now doing it, while Trump runs the country, protecting we Americans.

          Barr has initiated due process against Steele regarding the dossier report & is now going after Hillary, Obama & others.

  2. Soros is an enemy of the people. Everywhere he goes, he causes havoc. People suffer while he gets richer and richer. The Democrats
    and the media are bought and paid for by Soros. They are his minions and have prostituted themselves at his feet. They no longer are interested in doing the best for the American people. Only Trump and most Republicans stand in their way. I hope the people will not be fooled.

    1. Unfortunately the indoctrinated minions can’t think on their own and are solely interested in the freebies being offered left socialists/commies.

    2. I totally agree with Jax. I thought there was a law as to the limits of contributions one person could donate to a committee or cause or organization. Why is Soros allowed to side-track all laws of these United States of America. Put him on a slow boat to China not allowed to return to the USA.

    3. Soros is a communist. When he took over the Democratic Party (bought them out) the Party became our National Communist Party…decades ago. Believe me, this is no longer the Democratic Party I knew decades ago…not by any means. These people are anti-American and communist to the hilt. Voting Democrat is voting for baby murder; vote fixing; higher taxes; drugs; anti religion; and a host of other lovely things. Just incredulous!!!!!!

    4. George Soros bought the place that made the Caronavirus 19 that infected all the world and gave money to Antifa to attack Trumps supporters and he wants to get Pelosi to have write in or absentee ballots to get Trump out and still he won’t get rid of him! I don’t understand why he doesn’t put this man in jail for Treason towards the United States? ark Zuckerberg of Facebook said he bought the Laboratory that made Covid 19 to infect everyone! I am surprised no one has taken him out by now!

  3. I really don’t understand how Soros and many many more evil democrats have survived the CCP Wuhan Hubei Chinese Military Bio Weapons Lab coronavirus! If I were President of the United States, they never would have NEVER SURVIVED IT!

  4. Soros made a fortune by collaborating with Hitler in persecuting his own Jewish people. He nearly collapsed the British economy by monetary manipulation. He is truly evil. A man who worship only money with no regards for people or nations.

    1. Well…one day Soro’s will answer as we all will! Those who have not been saved and Baptized will end up in hades.

      1. Yes but when ? I have searched my calender and have yet to find any “One Day” can’t even find a “Someday” . Why has God not smacked this skidmark in societies underpants down ?

  5. Anything evil or corrupt anywhere in the world , all you have to do is follow the money and it usually leads right to Soros. His money is used for nothing but evil and I wouldn’t be surprised if somewhere down the line you’ll find him at the root of the COVID-19 outbreak. His life’s goal is to destroy America.

    1. Yes he wants to destroy everything Democratic, but WHY? What have we done to him to be so vile? If he wants to be remembered more, leave his money to those less fortunate or teach others how to make money! He would be remembered more as a good person who helped Society instead of destroying it.

  6. Soros tried and damn ear succeeded in ruining the economies in England and France. The bastard has his grimy finger prints all over Venezuela. He ruins econoies while he profits. He is wanted in his native Hungary extradite him. It has been said the Russians want him too. Make him our gift to Putin along with his whole damned family. Which may include Hillary Clinton. Chelsea’s husband is said to be Soro’s nephew and their wedding was held at Soros’ NY estate.

  7. This is also how the illegal aliens make money but still police afraid to arrest them. They stick out like a green thumb especially when they are selling corn on a stick, these fruit vendors no way any of these third world practices can be healthy. No way any trye hot blooded American citizen who loves this country will vote for anyone else but Trump 2020.

  8. It must be clear to voters that Soros has always worked to destroy every capitalistic country and does not vlaue human life nor their fredoms

  9. WI had a “left” lady judge win and then attacks by the “left” pretending the GOP tried to steal a seat on the state’s Supreme Court. Did this lady judge really win or did the “left” do voter fraud? Women on the “left” in politics seems to be corrupt often.

  10. I read that George Soros has done a few things that they could make him leave our country. I can’t remember exactly what they were. Why doesn’t our country get rid of him since they can? He’s so in bed with the Dems and the media, it’s not funny. They depend on him and Bloomberg to give them a lot of money. Someone turned in Bloomberg for giving the Dems $18M because it was way over the limit. Soros is giving more, so why hasn’t anything been done about him giving all the money he gives the Dems. They have to know about it. I don’t think it’s right that money plays such a big part of the elections. I think every politician should find their own money and not rely on millionaires and billionaires.

  11. Why is George Soros allowed to remain on American soil ? This jerk has ruined economies or attempted to where ever he has gone and gotten involved with their politics . He has arrest warrants in his home country of Hungary and The Russian Government has a reward of one million dollars on him . I am quite certain Israel and the Missed would love to get their hands on this slumber as well . Yet here he sits with all his wealth trying to destroy the nation he live in all so he can make more money by destroying that nation .

  12. Bill T
    The Soros of the world are taking free and fair elections a joke! The Demorats do not have a platform or qualified person to be president, so they develop special money cartels. They name them like: The minority fund, the get out the vote for Latino fund, etc, etc. The big money elites control our elections..

    I see now where a state judge is using out takes from the Apprentice (Trumps) to be used against him. *I do not know how President Trump and handle all this B.S. !! *I tell friends that if you do not like President Trump…Stop and think of the other choice>

  13. In 2016 the Dems screamed with disgust about “Russia is meddling in the election”. Well now Soros is meddling in the upcoming election. Can he not be stopped for this interferance?

  14. Heard that soros owned a lab in China. More is coming out that the Corona Virus was
    manufactured in a lab in China. Since a lot of countries were affected by it, my theory is soros
    and the NWO wanted to take over. Don’t forgot the slimy Obama’s, Clinton’s, Bush’s etc are all part of the NWO. Get soros on a one way ticket to Russia as they will qu it stay get rid of him for destroying their monetary system! Trump 2020 ??????????

  15. This “election rigging” proves to all of America that we need to completely outlaw ALL PACs and lobbying to level the playing field and cause our individual voices to be heard once again

  16. The problem is that Soros is buying our Politicians! The Socialist Democratic Party is involved with the mail in ballots and George Soros has them in his pocket, all for the Love of Money! I can not understand how a Patriot Christian Democrat could Vote for a Democrat any Democrat in 2020?

  17. “You call yourself a hero, do you? Why boast about this crime of yours, you who have disgraced GOD’S people? All day long you plot destruction. Your tongue cuts like a sharp razor; you’re an expert at telling lies. You love evil more than good and lies more than truth. You love to say things that harm others, you liar! But GOD will strike you down once and for all. HE will pull you from your home and drag you from the land of the living. The righteous will see it and be amazed. They will laugh and say, Look what happens to mighty warriors who do not trust in GOD. THEY TRUST IN THEIR WEALTH INSTEAD AND GROW MORE AND MORE BOLD IN THEIR WICKEDNESS.” (Psalm 52) I send these WORDS of GOD to MANIFEST THROUGHOUT Soros life and all who are connected-partnered now. No weapon that is formed against us (all who agree) shall prosper, I plead the Blood of JESUS over us. “GOD CAUSES us to triumph in all things”

  18. George Soros also gave 2million dollars to the Black African Governor to release Prisoners to the outside kowing they were or had the virus to infest everyone, he gave money to the Compationate organization to Texas and New York to release Prisoners there ! My question is WHY? The US was good enough to give him American Right to stay here?

  19. The libs just want to keep you home by offering you more money ($2000 a month)so that the economy could go down a very deep shit hole! And create a great depression the likes you never seen. Don’t be fooled! You can’t trust these liberal Demoncrats!

    Bella Pelosi, better known as Dracula. Sneaked in a 1 billion Dollar funding for Plan Parenthood (The abortion factory) and other things that have nothing to do with the Coronavirus bill. Evil and Devious indeed! Never let a crisis go to waste is one of the Demoncrat 10 Satanic Commandments.

    Wuhan Virus Bioweapon AKA: China Virus, Coronavirus weaponized by China and their treasonous Godless demoncratic Commie party and cohorts Soros the MSM fake media, academia, Hollywood, crash the greatest US economy ever! And to take down the greatest president ever, President Trump!! Keep up the great work President Trump! 2020 and beyond! From the Patriots of a Commie free America!

  20. If anybody takes out that terrorist they need to get his sons too. I hear they are even worse. We need to protect our country and Trump any way we can.

  21. I think its time to get rid of this communist sympathizer along with all of his Democrat paid brood of anti-American Socialists like Pelosi, Schummer, Schiff and all other Democrats and RINO’s in Congress who are working daily against We The People, by stalling bills and stuffing non related conditions inside the bills that have no connection to helping America through this crisis.

  22. As a COLORED MAN…I TAKE OFFENCE AT THIS TRAITOR “SOROS-THE-SUCKER” IN TRYING TO INSULT MY INTELLIGENCE…….. This creep, should realize that WE THE COLORED PEOPLE, ARE FIRST AMERICANS….. He is a first generation american….forgetting, that we can still kick him OUT OF OUR COUNTRY…… I don’t mind putting a bounty on his head….. Dont Kill him…. Just leave him in a vegetative state.

  23. He has a home in Katonah, NY? Not too far from Chappaqua, NY, home of the “Clinton News Network?” What a country…

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