Daniel Schwen via Wikimedia Commons

Fight Back Against President Obama [ACT NOW]

Sudden Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden got an earful from a group of anti-Iraq war veterans at a campaign event in California. (Fox News)

Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden is taking heat on Twitter after a video of a confrontation between him and members of the group Iraq Veterans Against the War during a campaign stopover in Oakland, Calif., went viral.

Biden had just spoken to a crowd at the Buttercup Diner when Air Force veteran Michael Thurman confronted the former vice president.

Raising his voice above the crowd, Thurman claimed that Biden had “blood on his hands” for his support of the war in Iraq.

“Why should we vote for someone who voted for a war that killed thousands of our brothers and sisters and countless Iraqi civilians?” he asked. “You enabled that war. You also gave a medal to the man who caused that war. That blood is on your hands as well.”

The exchange went viral as Biden expressed little patience or sympathy for the veterans’ plight.

Fight Back Against President Obama [ACT NOW]

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  1. Joe Biden has been in Washington for 48 years….his only real accomplishments were making himself, his son, his 2 brothers and his sister MILLIONAIRES…..he’s a totally CORRUPT swamp creature but he establishment Democrats love him because he say or do anything they want….he also flip-flops more than Bloomberg who did a lot of it..

  2. Joe Biden has been in Washington for 48 years….his only real accomplishments were making himself, his son, his 2 brothers and his sister MILLIONAIRES…..he’s a totally CORRUPT swamp creature but the rich establishment Democrats love him because he will say or do anything they want….he also flip-flops more than Bloomberg who did a lot of it..

  3. The Dems are pushing Biden as a way to get Hillary into the White House. If Biden tanks because of the Burisma scandal or has a “brain-freeze” at the convention or after he gets elected – there are plans to “swoop” Hillary in as Vice President – “Here I am ready to save the day” – the witch is still waiting in the wings – plotting her moves – how she can get into the White House .

    1. She should have been indicted before she ran against Trump to begin with; now, with a judge ordering her to be deposed “under oath” by attorneys at Judicial Watch, let’s pray that something will stick; we all know what “oath” means to Hillary and the swamp dealers, ZILCH; my suggestion has been that she get hooked up to a lie detector while she is being deposed regarding her use of the private server while SOS and the Benghazi murders, for that is what they were. Stephens, the ambassador, had tumbled to her and Obama’s gun running operation and they needed to get him out of the way. what better way than to arrange a terrorist attack. Remember that Obama could not be found that night, while the attack lasted 13 hours and killed four Americans. He disappeared as soon as he heard of the ongoing attack and bitch Hillary refused to authorize help from units standing by ready to fly to Benghazi

      1. Agree with you 100%! She kills people that are in her way! Why isn’t any one going to kill her? I wonder it’s because she has too many Dem secret service protecting her!

  4. Tim the f. K witch should be put in jail. She was doing Jeffry Epstein and now Harvey what ever his name. She should be in jail. Her black and white uniform would look good on her instead of her Kirby vacuum bag outfit.

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