Wikimedia Commons, by The Angels 2010:

A columnist for the left-leaning Los Angeles Times, Virginia Heffernan, is now under fire after posting a column comparing her Trump supporting neighbors to Nazi sympathizers, members of Hezbollah, and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

Heffernan continued with her insane accusations even after confessing how nice they were to her personally, and how they had plowed her driveway without being asked. A point which didn’t seem to stop her from continuing her bizarre tirade against them.

As the New York Post reports:

Heffernan went on to spark a backlash with her comments about Hezbollah, “the Shiite Islamist political party in Lebanon, which also gives things away for free.”

“The favors Hezbollah does for people in the cities Tyre and Sidon probably don’t involve snowplows, but, like other mafias, Hezbollah tends to its own — the Shiite sick, elderly and hungry,” she wrote…

“What do we do about the Trumpites around us? Like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who spoke eloquently this week about her terrifying experience during the insurrection at the Capitol on Jan. 6, Americans are expected to forgive and forget before we’ve even stitched up our wounds,” she continued…

She concluded: “My neighbors supported a man who showed near-murderous contempt for the majority of Americans. They kept him in business with their support.”

Needless to say it wasn’t long before conservatives opened up on Heffernan for her despicable contempt for neighbors who had only shown her kindness:





  1. Virginia Heffernen should be held accountable for her blatant accusations against Republicans, in general. At best, this is slander without proof. How can this fool get away with this crap? There has to be some kind of retribution applied to her insane op-ed commentary.


    2. Nope, leftist zombies parrot what they’re told and don’t look at facts. Besides leftist elites condone this type of behavior. But free speech also includes everyone, whether you agree with them or not.

  2. This just shows her colleagues at the paper aren’t her friends either (probably it’s from her bad behavior habit), or else they would have stopped her from going down in history as a infamously ungracious person. In time she will see her colleagues let her humiliate herself and come to resent them. How sad.

  3. Her comments show that she is an unhinged, mentally unstable person. Why would the LA Times continue to employ her?

  4. Just another Bolshevik that needs to be taken down by the good and decent hayseeds in the grassroots who are often used not served by the Beltway elite.

  5. sorry but this women is going to have her eyes opened soon enough . FOR WE PATRIOTS ALL KNOW WHO IS STANDING NEXT TO TRUMP AND MOVING HIM FORWARD AND THE LEFT DOESN’T HAVE A CLUE.

  6. Ginny is not to easy on the eyes 👀 She needs to keep quoting Louie to gain an audience I guess? Shew Wee what a douche bag brain she has calling out people who have different values. She needs to take a pill and lie down for a while…

  7. It is Christian to pray to God that these liberal vermin are killed by God, as God himself did to Sodom. We must only accept that God may forgive them. We are called to hate the sin, and not the sinner. I have never hated the cockroaches that I stepped on.
    A sample prayer might be to ask God that their lying tongues swell and strangle them, as a sign from God that he was offended by their lying to his children.

  8. Last I checked NASDAP , or National Socialist German Workers Party aka NAZI, was Socialist , just like the left loves , socialised medicine , socialised transportation , socialised housing , one Labor union for all , even socialised ( Government controled Vacation programs ) aka Strength through JOY ??? and the favorite democrat plan Total Gun control !

    They ( Nazis ) also Purged their military of Political oposition, same with all their Law enfocement , even Nationalising the police !

    So I have to ask who is it who is really emulating the NAZIS ???? Substitute Conservitive Trump supporter , for JEW, and I see direct duplication of actions, a repeat of history ! That said the next thing will be Forced Disarmerment of Conservitives ! after that will be special markers on our clothing , loss of jobs, loss of benifits, denile of health care, & other services ?

    After all they already demand people drop Conservitive services , close conservitive bank acounts, break contracts, deny sales of our products ( My pillow guy ) fire Conservitive workers ( Gina Carraro ) etc.

    People this is happening right infront of our FACES ! hide our heads in the sand at our own peril !

  9. Maybe she should look up “nazi” and “Islamic terrorist” . She will find out what those words really mean. Don’t they have editors at that newspaper?
    I’m sure glad she doesn’t live next to me!

  10. Just like a democrat, sit back and watch someone do your work then gripe about who did it. What a thankless person.

  11. She should be fired but it will never happen because she has liberal superiority which gives her the ability to lie and degrade others without having to worry about any retribution but she should beware for at sometime it will come back to bite her as all that goes around comes back around.

  12. She is confused…Her words describe the Democrats and the way they have treated conservatives/republicans for the last four years. Bless her heart…must have been raised in a barn (as my sweet Mother would have said)! No grace, no class…just hate! Glad She is not my neighbor.

  13. Oh! Didn’t she just do what she accused Trump and his supporters of doing? But never mind…it’s ok when you act like a self centered unappreciative b#*§ if you are the very special Virginia Heffernan or any other left coast dem!

  14. That does NOT mean that theyre is something wrong with the neighbors, but more so that she has a mental problem……………………

  15. Typical far left zombie, listens only to CNN, who has been caught in more lies than a two year old. The two year old has an excuse, he or she hasn’t learned anything yet about proper behavior. I don’t know any excuse for a grown person to be so hateful to someone that has only done good to them.

  16. Where are the Adults in Our USA-!!! TOO many are being immature. Grow Up and Move Forward-!!! It must be nice to have the time to complain for hours everyday. If you’re unemployed go look for a job to keep you busy.

  17. Everyone keeps saying how these people need to be held accountable… They’re absolutely right, however, it’s us who need to stop complaining about this kind of abuse and hold them accountable… If I lived in CA I’d take the LA Times to court for slander and deformation simply because they refuse to do anything thereby condoning her remarks…

  18. Politics should never get in the way of common decency, unfortunately it does! Virginia Heffermen’s remarks are outrageous and unintelligent. Only an ignorant person would write such a biased commentary and she needs to be censored by her company for her unprofessional and discriminatory journalism.

  19. this what you can expect from a bunch of lying cheating and steeling communist democrats it will never change as long as their in office

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