Gage Skidmore via Flickr

A Florida woman the media claim was fired from her job and targeted with a police raid for refusing to help Republicans cover up Covid cases appears to have illegally hacked into a health care system, and was fired for not disclosing she had been arrested for stalking a student with revenge porn.

“Former Florida state health official Rebekah Jones tweeted a video of police raiding her home on Monday alleging they pointed guns at her and her kids, a detail that the footage doesn’t corroborate, before confiscating her tech hardware,” The Daily Caller reports. “The story quickly went viral with the video being viewed more than 8 million times and her tweet thread receiving more than 120,000 retweets.”

Jones claimed the raid was arranged by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, calling them his “Gestapo.” Jones was fired from her job last year, which she claims was because she refused to falsify Covid-19 case numbers to make the pandemic appear less serious. “This is what happens to scientists who do their job honestly,” Jones said of the raid.

Mainstream media outlets like ABC News reported her claims without question, making it appear to millions she was an innocent woman targeted by Republicans.

In reality, Jones is a convicted criminal, and the raid was in response to evidence she was hacking into state health care systems.

“Our investigation began last month following a complaint by Florida Department of Health that a person illegally hacked into their emergency alert system,” Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Rick Swearingen said in a statement. “As part of our investigation, FDLE agents served a search warrant this morning at the Centerville Court residence where Ms. Jones lives after determining the home was the location that the unauthorized message was sent from.”

As for Jones’ claim police pointed guns at her children, not only is that not backed up by video, showing police did not use weapons, but Jones engaged in a 20-minute standoff with law enforcement who first attempted to peacefully knock on her door.

It’s also not Jones’ first arrest. Jones falsely claims she was fired from her state job for refusing to “falsify” the number of Covid cases reported on a state database.

In reality, Jones was fired from her computer job for not notifying her employers she had been arrested on computer crimes charges.

Jones was previously an instructor at Florida State Unversity when she engaged in a sexual affair with a student. The married Jones became pregnant.

She then began stalking the student, sending him and his family a graphic 342-page description of their sexual encounters and of his genitals. She even created a revenge porn website where she posted 60 pages of sexually graphic texts.

FSU fired Jones in 2017 when she was arrested and charged with three counts of cyberstalking.

Jones did not disclose the arrest to her state employers, who fired her when they were made aware she had been charged with computer crimes.

In response to her firing Jones made up a story in which DeSantis ordered her fired for refusing to obey a non-existent order to cover up the state’s Covid cases. No evidence whatsoever exists for her claims.

While Jones repeatedly refers to herself as a “scientist” she is not a scientist. Her college degree is in geography and journalism and was employed by Florida as an information systems manager to run an online dashboard.

She continues to be interviewed by network news outlets as a “scientist” and “whistleblower” despite her claims being debunked.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

Michael Brigham has written for American Action News since the summer of 2019. His areas of expertise include foreign affairs, government, and politics, but regardless of the subject matter, he has a nose and an insatiable appetite for news. In his free time, he enjoys reading nonfiction, watching a mix of comedies and true crime documentaries, and spending time away from the swamp hiking in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.


  1. Why isn’t the bimbo in jail and why no photo of this fool. I suspect she’s a liberal jackass and voted for Obama, the HildaBeast and Groundhog Joe Biden

    1. John, I saw the video last night. The woman is actually a pretty good looking blond babe. In the video, whoever it was at the door in the video had holstered guns, but after a few minutes after they entered the house, guns were drawn. Don’t know why, but the husband and kids were upstairs and didn’t want to come down. I don’t remember if there was audio, but it did look like the persons upstairs were being asked/ordered to come down not in a threatening manner.

      I’m not trying to defend her as I think she’s a trouble maker, and wants a few minutes of fame.

  2. This woman is clearly Mentally Ill. Of course mainstream media doesn’t tell the whole story.

  3. Typical CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC! In the last 20 years they have abandoned all semblance of real serious journalism and become nothing more than sensationalist media rags, that are more like to have headlines with Elvis siteings or pictures of alien autopsies than real news! When anonymous sources replace verified triple checked leads, things like the Richard Jewel debacle happen. Lives are ruined and the people’s trust is broken and unrepairable!

  4. I can’t even see why they hired her she didn’t seem qualified for the position. Kinda worried that they don’t background check applicants a bit better.

  5. Former Florida state health official Rebekah Jones broke into my underwater cave and tried to destroy my favorite clam-shell. Then she pointed a speargun at some little octopuses. This makes about as much sense as her story.

  6. Just face it folks, until January 20th, a lot of false, fake posts are going to appear, and Conservatives who try to correct the lies are being blocked from speaking truth. Best ignore the MSM and rather do your own research. 3 Very good sites to watch either on Bit Chute, Parler or Duck Duck go. Dr. Charlie, Santa Surfing or the X 22 report. Also all the prophets like Tracey Cooke, Jeremiah Johnson, Hank an Brenda Kunneman, Mark Taylor or Jonathan Kahn. All excellent

  7. another deviate sexual feminist on the rampage with a string of corrupt, immoral and criminal acts to her credit. a typical lying democrat who tries to divert attention from her own lengthy criminal past. Only a complicit MSM staffed with similars would promulgate these lies as if they were truth. scientist, my ass. a slut and scum of the leftist democrat world… mother of a bastard conceived in sin………

  8. Jones is the liar. We know the truth that the CDC is requiring all deaths to be counted as COVID if IF if if the person has ever had covid in the last year. Even if they were killed vby GUNFIRE
    At least the fake record gun deaths will be lower. Those deaths were in colorado and were from a murder/suicide.

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