Monika Flueckiger, World Economic Forum via Wikimedia Commons

A new report is claiming that media mogul Rupert Murdoch is “disgusted” with President Trump and predicts a Biden landslide.

Murdoch’s most recent frustration with the president allegedly stems from Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. According to The Daily Beast, he’s telling business associates, “after all that has gone on, people are ready for Sleepy Joe.”

But that’s not all, as the Daily Wire’s Jon Brown explains:

Murdoch has been so frustrated with Trump, the report claims, that he even considered throwing his weight behind a Democratic candidate such as former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, whose campaign ended in disaster.

Sources familiar with the situation also reportedly said that Trump is incensed with the coverage he has been receiving from Fox News, for which reason he and Murdoch have not spoken in weeks.

Murdoch refused to comment after The Daily Beast’s email inquiries, but the 89-year-old Australian-born former Fox News CEO maintained that he never called the president an “idiot” after arguing with him about immigration, as Michael Wolff’s book “Fire and Fury” claimed.

As The Daily Beast notes, Murdoch might not be thrilled with Trump, but publications his corporation owns, such as the New York Post, have been publishing stories that are potentially severely damaging to his opponent. Earlier this week, the New York Post stoked a firestorm of controversy after publishing a story alleging that Biden knew about his son Hunter’s foreign business dealings in Ukraine.

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  1. Another old fart that is totally ignorant. How can anyone with half a brain consider Biden. The guy doesn’t even know what he is running for . An lies, lies, lies. He tells more stories that aren’t true . Can’t you see him telling Putin his stories while conducting world business. Trump 2020. You idiot

    1. He isn’t going to be president anyway…if they win the vote he will only last a few months…Harris is the one who will run the country…God Help Us. We will be a socialist country…all lost. Never watch Fox anymore…too liberal and are just like the other stations.

        1. There’s still a few worth watching on Fox. Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham. I too have moved over to Newsmax and Real America’s Voice.

      1. Murdoch and his family are Liberal Socialist and never liked the Republican Party. All I can say is that it is Time for all the good Republican news casters to pool their money together and run their own News Media Station. Sean Hannity, Laura Ingram(spelled wrong), Judge Jenein, Greg Gutfield, Jesse Watters, but DEFINITELY LEAVE out Juan Williams, Neil Cavuto, Brian Kilmeade, Judge Napolitano, Donna Brazielle, Chris Wallace, and any of the other Trump haters. You all know the good one that I haven’t listed so lets get a new News Media started for our Preesident Donald J. Trump and the American Citizens that want to know the REAL TRUTHFUL NEWS.

        1. YES! Wish we could get that started. I also like Lou Dobbs and Elizabeth MacDonald, on Fox Business, they are very, very good and report the truth. They love our Donald Trump, and are passionate about putting the deep state and the demonRAT party in prison for their crimes of treason.

        2. I don’t think Neil Cavuto or Brian Kilmeade are Trump haters at all. The others you named are definitely on the leftist bandwagon.

      2. You are soooo correct. And, she will punish us for being American. And, if we are white, that factor will be 100X worse.

    2. “Old fart” has nothing to do with with his asinine stupidity which exposes the vacuum between all dem’s ears that will implode after Trumps 2020 victory !

    3. These are the elite new world order globalists, who are FORCING the UN’s atheist, communist dictatorship on us. They are ALL pagan liars and communist muslim savage barbarians. It is a global agenda of the elite to force us into their utopia. It’s their utopia, but a sure hell for “WE THE PEOPLE”, who they see as their peons.

      Their voter base are the brainwashed, manipulated, indoctrinated who want the government to give them all the free stuff so they won’t have to work for it. This is why they don’t want borders, so the entire world can cross our borders to vote them into absolute power and absolute control over us and our paychecks. They are drunk on greed, absolute power and absolute control over our paychecks, our land, our homes, everything we own.

      Those who don’t believe this are in for a HUGE shock when the demonRATs get that power and control back. If they think they can pay their mortgage, car payments, and their credit cards off of 30% of their salaries, they aren’t just fools, they are EPIC fools. We will go into communist bondage with food & water rationing, medicine rationing, and the whole stinking rotten mess. If you think lockdowns are miserable, just wait until Kamala Harris gets her stinking hands on us and begins to punish the American people she hates.

      1. How ironic. For four years, the Dems were supposedly concerned about Trump being Communist Putin’s puppet, and now they just want to hand over our country to Putin, Xi or Bernie. Pitiful.

    4. “I am a proud Democrat and I am running for the Senate.”………….Quid Pro Quo Joe. Three times Mr. Dementia said that, so it is not just a quirk. Shame on the DNC and his wife, JIll, for putting old Joe through this! It is tantamount to elder abuse.

  2. Fox News has been my preferred channel for several years. However, I slowly see it changing and don’t like it. I’m starting to watch NewsMax and OAN and they are more candid and not as biased as Fox is getting to be. Guess that’s what happens when you let the liberal son take over your operations. Many of my friends feel the same and we’re leaving Fox except for Fox & Friends and Tucker, Hannity, Ingraham and Mike Levin. They are fantastic.

  3. Am surprised that he is not for Trump. But I guess I should not be. I don’t watch Fox anymore, I watch Newsmax.

  4. I don’t watch FOX anymore. If you can get it,
    you will love OAN. I think Murdoch is watching to much MSN to believe what he is saying.

    1. The President doesn’t get a fair shake from the media soon Tucker and Ingram and Hanteny will be on News Max. There is no law and order and reason in this country the whole system is broken when you have criminals running for office along with idiots and slow walkers.

  5. Clearly not even Rupert is immune to the brain deteriorate at comes with age. No one could have done more to inspire manufacturers to produce needed equipment, researchers to work warp speed on treatments and vaccines. Murdoch is not only wrong , his opinion is too ill informed to warrant anyone listening to it .

  6. This whole election boils down to one thing. The left wants to continue in their Sin and knows if Trump wins they will continually be exposed. Do you honestly think God is going to allow this mess to continue??? No, He is not. Watch for a Trump win you have never seen. Trump has a job to finish for the Lord. He will only leave office when God has completed his assignment with him.

  7. Another visual example of the lack of liberal/globalist intelligence. I presume he has forgotten that his friend Basement Joe called our president all kinds of ugly names when our president suspended China flights to reduce the exposure to the Wuhan virus. Moreover, sir Rupert violates one of my father’s favorite rule. That was: “If you come to the table complaining about something, have some better ideas in your thought bank to present as solutions to reduce your angst.”. Another consideration dim Rupert is missing is that if Basement Joe or Hillary would have been in charge they would have really botched the handling of the pandemic. But then of course, Fox would have to join all the other super biased news media outlets and cover up all the shortcomings of Basement Joe or Hillary. ;Now sir Rupert, how is this coverup activity working???? Viewer activity shows not very many folks watch the cover up media giants. Thus, just like the other folks, nobody would be watching Fox. Is sir Rupert a smart man or what??? Fox’s bread and butter is Donald J Trump and his followers. Go ahead sir Rupert. Shoot yourself in both feet and cross your fingers that Fox News survives the socialist revolution. Personally, I can’t wait to see how he thinks about AOC.

  8. If there is a biden landslide then a stench of dem stupid voters will get their own deserves enslavement with totalitarian dictator to destroy U.S.A.’s Constitutional Freedom & Rights ! The dems are proven enemies in past 11 years support of bo & hilary treason which instigated the antifa, blm, marxist criminals coup as thugs !

  9. Gotta love sources and polls, nope!!!! Trump 2020! Biden’s the only sort of likable Democrat on the planet and that’s why Biden’s the chosen one sadly. Biden will never be president because there’s way to many Trump voters and the closet voters are the silent but deadly people. MAGA!!!!!

  10. It is evident to many Fox viewers that Fox has changed its news agenda and programs. I used to watch Fox as my “go to” channel to receive accurate reporting and a balanced contrast to the liberal stations such as CNN or MSNBC, but no longer. I am now watching Newsmax more often for more balanced news reporting, more interesting stories and guests and generally more substance. Fox now has too many liberal reporters and guests and the conservative ones are being drowned out. If I wanted to view liberal ideas/news I have way too many liberal and fake news channels to watch. Fox used to be the channel conservatives could rely on, but no longer. Forever thankful for Tucker, Hannity, Laura and Levin’s reporting which I still watch, but it is not enough. I, like many, am a truly saddened and frustrated Fox viewer.


  12. In this strange political world of today anything is possible, but I find it highly unlikely that Rupert Murdoch is going to promote Socialism/Marxism and vote for Harris / Biden. Just saying….

  13. Old man is just another soros! He hates the people of this country just as mush as the democRATS. He’s an old fool and a big part of the global elite illuminati communist POS. He wants the NWO to reign supreme. He is a traitor to this country and should be executed along with all the rest of these scums sucking parasites!

  14. What the hell do people like this man have to constantly attack Pres. Trump and dump their personal ignorance on him with regard to COVID19. A virus has it’s own will that we cannot see beyond. Trump is the President of a Democratic Republic. We have a Constitution that supports WE THE PEOPLE. If Heir Murdock and loons like him(so many) want Pres. Trump to be a monarch or an autocrat and make declarations ignoring WE THE PEOPLE’S rights as individuals, ignoring the Constitution and the medical establishment, then move to another country!! PLEASE,,,,I’M SICK OF LISTENING TO IGNORAMUSES!

  15. As was the virus goes, I have no idea who could have done better. President Trump was criticized when he announced the travel ban rand later proven right. He was faced with a depleted supply of respirators especially in New York and elsewhere and he solved that problem quickly. He was criticized for calling out China about their mishandling of the virus which caused the pandemic. As it turns out, there are others in this country who make alot of money from China privately and they are protecting their corrupt acts. Corruption and money make acts are. being protected at the detriment of the American people. In fact, this is one reason that President Trump is not being supported by many who definitely have an agenda and it is NOT IN FAVOR OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE or our COUNTRY. MONEY MONEY MONEY. Mr. Trump did what was encouraged by Dr. Fauci and others who other politicians insist he listen to. Hmm that is another story. If people were honest they would condemn the protestors and all their massless often, and no distancing continually. Yet, no, it is Republicans that are blamed and yet nothing is said about all the corruption and violent looting, burning, etc. The media is only advancing the leftist position constantly and they are the ENEMY WITHIN. Pray as many are protecting their money train over out Constitution.

  16. Has anyone noticed this is a very wealthy group that Trump was once a
    part of. He left the fold & they now reject him.He has seen the light and
    he knows too much about how they plat the game.Trump has met & likes
    the people. He now looks after them.They are protecting themselves & the
    power they have held over politicians for years.
    Declaration of Independence – all men are created equal. In their book –
    some are MORE equal. Orwell – Animal Farm!

  17. What a total prick. When the conservatives stop watching Fox he’ll be out of business. Trump 2020 is going to happen.

  18. Who cares if Rupert is endorsing Biden. Just another elite who believes if Biden gets elected he will continue to be a socialist elite. If Trump is reelected at least he will fight for “We The People”. The reason the Elites and Washington hate Trump because he is not one of them and does not agree with them. As far as Juan and Donna at Fox Joe Biden could commit murder right in front of them and they would defend Biden even when he is guilty. Juan & Donna are a waste of salary for Fox and I believe Chris Wallace is as well. I wish they would be removed. While I do not agree with Trump on everything I believe he is honest as a President can be.I too are starting to watch more AON than Fox.

  19. Murdoch’s prediction is about as brilliant as his contemplation of backing Mini Mike Bloomberg. Anyone that stupid should keep his opinions to himself. It will be an historic Trump re-election landslide – I am in the blue state of MN, and I cannot believe the support for Trump!

  20. The whole dumbocrap party will make America a foreign country, run by china, and the the traitor, dummycrap,party, that has lost their minds and way, to make America better. Only DJT can solve this problem, hidenbiden will sell us out to china,like him and his son, did with obummer. Worthless traitors.

  21. Rupert Murdoch was never a conservative but rather a businessman who knew conservatism sold to an audience, liberalism didn’t. So when he was shaping FOX News he hired conservatives as a wise business model. Since retiring his goofy leftist heirs are shedding popular conservative hosts, turning FOX News consistently to the left and hemoraging viewers like a severed artery who are turning to NewsMax and One America News Network.

  22. There have been some big mistakes made, mainly by some governors in reaction to the virus. There are still missteps being taken, for instance, waiting for a vaccine to prevent infection “long after the horse has escaped from the barn and run away”. In hind sight, countries where Hydroxychloquine is an over the counter drug, the same as aspirin, their infection rates have been very low with very low deaths. In the U.S. doctors who have been treating patients with it have had great success in curing their patients. Politicians, bureaucrats, the media, and big pharma have unjustly demonized a safe, inexpensive, an very effective treatment for the virus that could have ended the pandemic months ago. Any vaccine will be no more effective against Covid than the flu vaccine is against the flu. It will not eliminate Covid.

  23. Who cares what Rupert Murdoch thinks. He’s been a dim supporter for so long and is so used to making money off the backs of the little people he’s lost all touch with reality.

  24. Murdock lived a Fool and will die a fool. at 99 he will soon find out for himself what even a Moron knows that About Biden & that is Biden is simply is not all there upstairs! _Money has not served Murdock well, another case of if you don’t hAve you your head screwed on right when your young you only get worse as you grow older —-George Siri’s is a prime example of living his own life as a fool

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