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Fight Back Against President Obama [ACT NOW]

Last night President Trump told Martha MacCallum at a Fox News town hall forum in Joe Biden’s hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, that he intended to cut funding for Social Security and Medicare.

 Both programs are among the primary drivers of our national debt.

However, the political reality of addressing them in an election year is fraught with peril, as the Republican Party learned in 2012.

All of that may explain Trump’s backtracking today. 

However, Counselor to President Trump, Kellyanne Conway, challenged the assertion that Trump was changing his stance in a tense interview with Fox’s Ed Henry on America’s Newsroom. (Mediaite)

The tense exchange between co-host Ed Henry and Conway unraveled with the White House advisor stating that the Fox News host was “misquoting” Trump.

“He appears something he tries to clean up this morning,” Henry began, and proceeded to read a Trump tweet fro. Friday morning. “He just tweeted, ‘I will protect your Social Security and Medicare just as I have for the past three years.”

Henry then told Conway, “You were there at that town hall; he said the opposite. He said in his second term would cut Social Security and Medicare and cut entitlement programs. Why did he say that?”

Conway fired back, “He didn’t say that. You are misquoting him.” She added, “When I talked to him after I said there were some articles and Twitter traffic that says the following and he said no, I’m talking about cutting deficits.”

Fight Back Against President Obama [ACT NOW]

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  1. Did not hear that either..what was more obvious was Bret Bair remaining seated when POTUS entered the forum. It appeared to me that Martha McCallum was uncomfortable with that obvious show of disrespect. Bret, if you don’t like him that much…don’t hang around like Chris and force your opinions on us. Move on, we won’t watch you.

    1. Bret Bair is a never Trumper ! He is just one of a few on Fox News who wear conservative clothes but lean to the left .

          1. Reporters are on site if reporting an incident, News from around the world 24/7, family owned, no one telling them what to say and how to say it! No commercials. Great clips of historical places and facts. If something is an opinion and NOT a fact it is so stated. NO BS or lies! Some areas can not get this, so call your provider and ask for it!

      1. He doesn’t claim to be conservative. He has admitted that he is a registered Dim. Most of the time he manages to restrain his ideology. We can’t all be conservative and as long as they are reasonably fair I can tolerate them. Chris Wallace is anther matter entirely, he should round up Juan and join little Sheppy on the Happy Trail…….

    2. The only thing I heard in the comment about social security and medicare was that he would protect social security and medicare like he has for the last 3 years. He then said Biden will destroy both. Anytime I’ve heard Pres. Trump talk about Social Security and Medicare (retirement), he says he’ll protect it. He has said that he will look into Medicaid (welfare). There’s a huge difference. Those of us that have worked all of our adult lives and have retired, have paid into it. My monthly SS is based on my wages and what I paid into it over the years. I pay a monthly premium for my Medicare Part B now, which is more than I was paying with Group Insurance when I was working. People on Medicaid are the ones who are getting an entitlement and it’s being abused, mostly by illegal aliens. I wish people, including the DC Dems, would stop treating SS and Medicare the same as Welfare and Medicaid.

      1. absolutely correct Trump never said he would change social security Social Security is OUR money that is put into the account with a percentage coming from our Employers. It is NOT a government supported “entitlement” that the Dems keep stressing as if we are getting a welfare hand out from them.

        1. SOOOO is that why nasty nancy and other depts use it for what ever they do not have money for? Thats what paid for the pens she handed out for Trumps impeachment farce? There is no law that says they have to pay us back the money we put in! And I don’t think folks just starting to work can opt out! Ponzi scheme? I’m pretty sure thats why they all seem to hit OUR money when they need it! WE by law have nothing to say about it! Letters I get say its going broke!

          1. It is going broke,fewer high wage jobs less income. And let’s not forget that at least once the Government borrowed from the fund but never bothered to repay. And think about this where do the funds for SSI come from ? Lots of leaches on the dole never paid a dime in !

  2. I watched the Town Hall and didn’t hear him say he was cutting Medicare or Social Security – that would be something I definitely would have picked up on. Bret Baier really appears to be a never-Trumper, doesn’t he? So sad. I stopped watching his show a long time ago when I realized that all of his round-table people were biased against our President. So sad – I used to like him.

    1. Yeah I missed the commentary about social security and Medicare as well? Definitely noticed Bair not standing, never really been a huge fan anyway, so I guess whatever. There was only one Brit Hume. Still, it’s about the office I loathed Obama but would have still stood up regardless if it was him. Martha as always a class act, certainly no pushover though.

    2. If he is cutting Social Security its probable to Illegals coming in and drawing it not people that have paid into the system.

      1. Yes, it would apply to people who are not disabled, but used Obama’s list of new “disabilities” to collect social security disability.

      1. I’m aware that President Trump is cutting back on how things are paid, which cuts Medicare spending. Example: if the patient has a procedure done in the out patient setting, he believes Medicare should pay based on what they are paid in the Drs office for the same treatment. That just one example. There are multiple types of scenarios that SHOULD BE done at the Drs, but are being done in the hospital out patient setting, driving up Medicare costs. I hope that makes sense.

    3. Isn’t it something: the damned Democrats have all of the News-Media shows in their corner, and not a damned one of them will speak positively about Our POTUS. Their POTUS ruined the economy, screwed us all out of our healthcare, and gave billions of dollars to international terrorists. Meanwhile our POTUS works for us WE THE PEOPLE, and the media stars hate him for doing so. Guess what, WE hate the media stars, and when the shit hits the fan, it will will hit them too!

  3. Bret did stand up. Watch whole thing. He is suppose to be news, not opinion. I like him. Teump never said he would cut our SS. He will however, get the fraud out of SS. So watch for that. You guys do not pay attention to the whole context of Trump.

    1. One lesson to be learned is that these “charlatans” and calumnious “news people” that “infest” the Main Sewer Stream Media is that they are wont repeatedly to “skew” whatever the President says…to date, since mid 2016 when started following these “proceedings”, the “facts” regurgitated by these supposed “news” people of the Main Sewer Stream Fake Media. have NEVER correlated with what was actually said…if one did NOT witness what was actually said one would of necessity, be an anti – Trumper due to their pervasive alteration of the “truth”…The present campaign being conducted as presented by the MSM often begs the question …are ONLY Democrats involved??? Trump “rallies” are studiously ignored and unless they can, like this idiot, skew something he said or take it out of context and utter derogatory remarks, the very mention of Republicans or the President is avoided, by them, like the plague…

    2. I hate to disagree & mean no disrespect to you, but he would not have stood up for President Trump, if Martha had not coaxed him out of that chair.
      I hear there is a vacancy at MSNBC,
      Perhaps Bair should apply.

    1. YEAH make cuts on all the raises given to the so called GOVT workers! In all bo s years I NEVER got an SS increase, BUT the news was so happy the workers got 15% every couple of years! And really what do they do to deserve it! Many of us worked years for it! SO cut those who did not work for it! ESPECIALLY ANY ILLEGALS! I read where we send them SS, hope like H its American citizens who have earned it!

  4. I watched it and the President never said he would be cutting Medicare and Social Security. How can it be that they heard something totally different? Do they both have Trump Derangement Syndrome?? Perhaps they do or they have a hearing problem. They should have a hearing test.

  5. This is why I chitcanned the telly! Journalism is dead in the papers, the telly, and most blogs! Journalist degree in college is headed in the same direction as Liberal Arts degrees!

    1. I agree with you JR. I no longer tell people I went to Journalism School and made my living as a writer/editor.

  6. I have heard Trump say in the past that when he’s talking about these cuts he is not talking about our benefits but especially re Medicare he’s talking about bureaucratic waste. Medical Billing errors and waste, Etc.

    1. Exactly…..Baer IS a never trumper. I’ve told him so even while he denies it and uses the deceitful Fox slogan “we report you decide”. Baer “reports” what Fox tells him to, nothing more, nothing less. That’s not journalistic reporting, it’s keeping his job.

  7. I watched as well, and never heard the President say any such thing. However, it was obvious to me that Brett and Martha had an agenda. Martha tried to get a person who had a question for the President, and who was a Democrat before President Trump, say who he might support of the two Democratic choices. He was having none of it, and the President noticed. They are both never Trumpers. It’s very obvious. Ed Henry is being given some new marching orders since he got this new position. Very sad.

  8. Several times I have wondered about where Brit stands because he leans more towards Chris Wallace who is a closet liberal as is proven by his biased coverage of this administration. He was all sweetness and light with Killary when he interviewed her.

    1. You don’t have to wonder any more Mariopi. A liberal is as a liberal does…..SEEKING TO AVOID THE DISCIPLINES OF THE TRUTH……in a effort to keep his job in his case. Baer once suggested he was hit in the head by a (spiritual) 2 X 4 which changed his moral and religious perspective(???). I’d like to know if that was a 2 X 4 from Heaven or Hell? As for Fox that Baer obeys, no one needs ask what it’s “perspective” is these days $.

  9. I listened to the President last night also. I did at first think he said yes to cutting “entitlements” but when I played it over again, I realized that they were firing multiple questions to the President and he was saying yes to lowering the debt. They then asked him if he did not care about the debt and he went on to explain that he had to fix the military as it had been depleted under Obama and now he is ready to negotiate new loan deals and we are getting lots in trade deals etc. Listen again you all, he has NEVER said he is going to cut our SS or Medicare. In fact he is making sure that all are safe for the treatment of coronavirus with Medicare and Medicaid. Mr. Trump only has our citizens at the forefront of his decisions. Have more faith and watch as to not believe the slants and fake news. Remember, the dems etc do not want him to “drain the swamp”.

  10. I watched the entire Town Hall meeting and he never said that. Tell Brett to go to CNN or any other station but we don’t want him on Fox.

  11. I watched the town hall last night and since I draw SS and have Medicare, my antennae go up whenever it is mentioned. President Trump NEVER at any time said he was going to cut SS or Medicare!! Even the clip Ed played during interview with Kellyanne proved he was wrong. Do these people think we are totally stupid??

  12. What do you expect from the mainstream. There just fueling the Trump hatred for the non fact checking left liberals

  13. You can always expect the so called news media to twist what ever they hear! I have come to the personal opinion that Most of the urnalists belong to the “Joseph G. Propaganda team”!

  14. This should be cleared up with an apology by Ed Henry tonight on Tucker Carlson’s show. It is a dangerous situation when the President is misquoted this way. He has enough problems from jerks like Pelosi and Schumer. The President wants to CUT WASTE OUT of MEDICARE and SOCIAL SECURITY. Get it straight for once!

  15. I didn’t hear the comment either; however, if indeed the question was to cut entitlements that does not mean necessarily S.S. and Medicare that the President was referring to if he did say he would cut entitlements. He has always said he would protect S.S. and Medicare. Also, these are paid for by American Citizens every payday. Our S.S. was stolen from us years ago and placed in another big government funding.

    1. Because it not a law, they probably turned it into the Hush/Slush fund which is allocated in our budget each year! That as I understand anyone who has some dirty deals or is trying to hide their misdeeds can take from it! I keep asking who has taken, what for, and is it ever repaid?
      SOOOO don’t know how much is granted to the fund, BUT turn it over to SS and cut it out of our GOVT BUDGET! There is 1 cut in our BUDGET!

  16. Typical libtard invasion of Fox. I’ve never liked Brett Bair. And I used to like Martha but I think she has been told to be more liberal leaning. The only 3 I really like are Hannity Carlson and Trish Regan. She takes no prisoners .

    1. Yes and they took her off the air cause she said the dems were using the conovirus to help get rid of President Trump… not in those words last Thursday… course Paul
      Ryan is on the board at Fox….

  17. I did not hear that comment either, and do not believe Trump would do that to Seniors and people on Medicare. He cares about people, and he also knows that would be re-election suicide. I agree Brett is liberal leaning. I am not sure about Martha. It seems more and more Fox News journalists are becoming more liberal. I saw this week where Catherine Herridge was on liberal CBSNews. Very disappointing!

  18. Fox news is owned and programmed by a Liberals. The news bunch are regulated by these Liberal owners. If you do not follow their direction you are sent packing. I was a regular watcher but not any more. The new Fox Nation also has some of the worst Liberals so I will not pay extra to watch them either.

    1. Since the sons took over it turned! Their wifes s are all demonrats, now disney is in the mix and we all know how messed up they have become. I wish the GOOD ones would go to OANN! Family owned NO ONE TELLS THEM WHAT TO SAY! DC swamp has no sway over them. The others, well cnn and other fakers can have them!

  19. Ed Henry is another never Trumper from CNN. Remember that this was the clown that got David Bossie (Citizens United) suspended for using the term “cotton picking minute” during one of those Fox News food fights. Fox News is nothing more than what CNN was 10 years ago… a left of center rassling show with a smattering of news

  20. That would be political suicide. He would lose a lot of votes including mine. He needs to address this and make sure that everybody knows where he stands on this issue. I have worked all of my life and paid into the system. It needs to be set up so that folks that are illegally in our country cannot draw money from it. That is like handing them our hard earned money. Welfare and food stamps are the same way. Make them earn their keep. Don’t reward them for breaking our laws about illegal entry.

  21. These treasonous hypocrite libs(lying sack of Schiff) don’t know the meaning of the truth! They are at it again and just as mentally deranged as the rest of the Globalists NAZI Muslim Commie Liberal Demoncrats! Deep State, Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Hollywood, Academia, Fake News, Swamp News and you know the rest!! ‪Expose, Boycott, Sue, prosecute and bring to justice all these lying Fake News deep state treasonous Godless NAZI commie liberal demoncrats and RINOs (Mutt Romney, Susan Collins, Lindsey Grahams ,Murkowski, Justice Roberts, Bolton and you know the rest of the traitors) post-haste,Patriots! Drain the rat infested swamp President Trump!‬

  22. Martha was the one that said that as she spoke over the President. He was stated he would cost deficit and we will have growth like non other. Again she was the on saying he would cut those programs. Watch the video closely and pay attention to the cross talk.

  23. Didn’t see the rally but Bret was very disrespectful – a person should stand to show respect for the position even if you don’t like the person in it. He should get a backlash from FOX News for that!

  24. He never said he would cut SS, Medicaid, and Medicare benefits and only said he would cut the cost of entitlements. This was reinterpreted by those eager to say anything negative and use use 2 programs which he has protected as fodder for the corrupt media. Cuts even to these programs do not mean the actual benefits but to the waste, mismanagement, and theft that these programs dole out. Let’s take a look. Both programs cost 1 trillion dollars right now but the GAO and the IG audits show that out of that more than 120 billion dollars are lost from above causes. If corrected that would be either a 12% cut or money in reserve to continue paying all beneficiaries.

  25. As far as Trish goes, the anti second amendment part , keeps me from watching her!! Just think of how our country would be if we could not defend ourselves and our family!! Wake up Americans !!

  26. The guy who has been President for three years realizes it’s a complex problem. Career politicians have savaged social security and medicare for years and they don’t plan to stop it. Just like the trade deals, you have to break eggs to make an omlet and it’s going to be used by the democrats and the media to try and stop Trump at all cause. I had to wait to collect on what I paid into for over 50 years. But, unless something is done our children and grand children won’t get anything.

  27. Petition, get rid of juan w. chris Wallace,bret b.and anymore of the non trumpers. We’ve had to put up with THIS type of people long enough.If fox continues to turn further left, then they should be left out to dry.Really though after the young murdocks took over there has been a subtle change, a little bit at a time.

  28. Start watching NEWSMAX or AMVO (Americas Voice). I’m done with Fox. I will miss the die hard Trump voters though…..

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