Martin Cígler via Wikimedia Commons

The Cuban people have begun to take to the streets across the country to protest their communist dictatorship and to demand their freedom after decades of brutal oppression.

Here are some of the most shocking videos from the anti-Communist protests in Cuba:


  1. Interesting. The antifa thugs are supposed to be against oppression. Do they speak out in favor of the Cuban people? Hell no. They have plans for America

  2. Anyone notice the Global Democratic Sicialist party now illegally in power, are not defending the Cubans demanding and end to communism. The worthless loads of human shit in the House and the real racist in the black congressional caucus remain silent, as they work tirelessly to shove Global communist up our ass, against our will. Biden democrats say nothing in both houses, since this interferes with their plan to use the New Green Deal of the four treasons communist pieces if shit to force socialist upon us without or consent, and forced reparations upon an entire race to include children, as justified cause they said so. If there ever a government that works to commit treason against their own people it now sit unchallenged in the Washington’s cess pool capital of leftest corruption. We must peacefully pray God protects us from our illegal communist masters and our children be saved from Marxist indoctrination forced upon the innocent by these scum bags. How can such evil exist in power here? Simple answer, rigged elections.

    1. If we don’t protect ourselves then why should God do it, even in the stories of the Bible God doesn’t do anything until the people them selves first take action. Just take the story of Moses, God could have lifted all those Hebrews out of Egypt anytime the wanted, but he didn’t. It wasn’t until they took action and started to cross the sea of reeds that he parted the waters for them. so as i said until the people start to take action on their own they cannot expect other to step in and do it for them.

  3. Send all the communist democrat cult members to cuba to aid their fight for communism and allow all good citizens that want FREEDOM to come to America!

  4. We don’t have the freedom to do freedom and liberty protests here in USA because of this cancel culture regime.

  5. We need true Americans to support the peoples of Cuba . We must not let sandy and her squad influence the zombie president

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