Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons

Forced into the unenviable position of choosing between the tenets of fiscal conservatism, addressing the American people’s needs, and being perceived as defying President Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told his colleagues that the Senate would address Trump’s request for $2,000 stimulus checks.

However, McConnell declined a quick vote on checks as Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) recommended.

Increasing the checks to $2,000 will cost the federal government an additional $464 billion. The Congressional Budget Office estimated in September that covid-inspired federal spending programs already increased the 2020 federal budget deficit to $3.3 trillion, a number expected to exceed the entire U.S. economy in 2021.

Still, increasing the value of stimulus checks is highly popular.

Per Fox News:

McConnell, R-Ky., speaking on the Senate floor acknowledged that Trump “would like further direct financial support for American households.” McConnell at the same time mentioned that Trump wants Congress wants to address Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which provides protections for companies that host third-party content on their platforms — like Facebook and Twitter — and that Trump wants Congress to look into election security.

“Those are the three important subjects the president has linked together,” McConnell said. “This week the Senate will begin a process to bring these three priorities into focus.

McConnell, who decides the Senate’s order of business, has likely already weighed the consequences of his decision on the looming Georgia Senate runoff elections.

As of Tuesday afternoon, Sens. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga.; David Perdue, R-Ga.; Lindsey Graha, R-S.C.; Josh Hawley, R-Mo.; and Marco Rubio have backed the House legislation for $2,000 stimulus checks, which passed with more than a two-thirds majority Monday.

Seven more Senate Republicans would need to come out in support of the checks in order to break a filibuster and set the issue for an up-or-down vote. That would also depend on if McConnell brings the stimulus check bill back to the floor.


  1. We are being told that the 2 special senate races in Georgia will determine who will control the Senate. But it appears that so many Republicans are voting with the Democrats that it won’t make much difference.

    1. And be sure when their running again WE WILL NOT FORGET! They get paid for not working and will NOT let us have OUR money to get b Re,e, ber!y! ALL because THE PIG has added so much of OUR $$$$$ for other countries! YEP we know where we stand and its NOT 1st!

      1. Mitch is trying to insure that the money will go to the American people instead of other countries. I trust Mitch McConnell. The commiecrats colluded with China to bring us this virus to push more globalization and to hurt Trump. And it looks like it’s working.

        1. You haven’t been listening to the Obammites? They assured us that the whole virus thing was Trumps fault! Don’t you listen?

          The Kenyan racist has started the path to DESTRUCTION and he assures us his boy Sleepy and his favorite Ho will finish the job!

        2. I am amazed. Why would you trust Mitch McConnell? He has never helped President Trump. He is bought and paid for by China.

      2. These Republicans are traitors to the US citizens. Instead of worrying about other countries they should cut their take to cover the $2000.00 stimulus. We won’t forget. We will fight.

        1. We would need zero stimulus checks if businesses were allowed to stay open. Restaurants and small business are going to close without a bill to keep them open. Draconian measures are unnecessary. Governors don’t run their states, they dictate and destroy. Grocery Stores are not spreading Covid, why would anyplace else?

      3. You believe this how? Mitch and his wife BOTH work for China. If they deny us the money it means more money to launder for his bank account through these countries that don’t back our president. And how does FOREIGN INFLUENCE not be treasonous with money laundering/donations?

  2. This Congress thinks it’s ok to send billions and billions to Foreign Countries, with a bill full of pork crap…but doesn’t want to take care of us! We need term and we need term limits right now! These idiots need to be sent home!

    1. And don’t forget a lot of the stimulus money went to give Democrat’s and Republican’s a pay raise . It was actually in the bill….


    1. We will remember next election why in the world do we have to waste so much money sending it to other countries that don’t like us it is unbelievable when we have so many people hurting in this country they could give every tax payer 10,000 dollars that out the stupid pork an still not spend that kind of money

      1. But the Congress thieves would not have gotten their HUGE cut returned to them from the foreign countries!! Haven’t you figured out yet that is why this stupidity is happening! Need to EXECUTE a bunch of them for treason!

  4. What congress is really saying is they want to protect Facebook and Twitter while destroying OUR first amendment rights.
    Who’s side are they on anyway?

          1. The two party system has a stranglehold on America. P.S. A one party system would be a disaster. Perhaps open elections with no party affiliations?

  5. Why does McConnell have the right to say what the American people need. He does not need the money. Give him the $600.00 dollars and give the American peoples his salary. Do you think he would object to that?

  6. if they cut all those gifts to pakastan, south america ,kennedy centery and ect, they have more than enough to cover the $2000 checks for American citizens.


  8. Well I am sure that the Senate could recoup the $464. Billion that the stimulus increase would cost according to McConnell if they just remove the Pakistan gender study funds, the funds for performing arts, the funds going to their pet foreign countries. We the people who voted McConnell in need to vote the RINO OUT SINCE HE ONLY CARES ABOUT McCONNELL and TO HELL WITH THE PEOPLE IN NEED ! McCONNELL GETS PAID EITHER WAY MAYBE HIS PAY NEEDS STOPPED LET HIM SEE WHAT IT IS LIKE WITHOUT INCOME !!

  9. Cut out the $700 billion in foreign aid that’s in the 5,500 pages of the bill and there’s the $464 billion plus some.

  10. I recall people voting for tax increases because it didn’t affect them at all. Well, I don’t qualify for any stimulus check, so this being thrown out has no effect on me at all. Go back to work and stop sitting around waiting on free money.

    How’s it feel? Payback – hurts, don’t it?

    1. Pretty sure most people would LOVE going back to work if their dictator govs would open up their states! This doesn’t count all the freeloading soros rioters who have no job skills other than tossing bricks, fire bombs, etc.

      1. We the people could put a stop to the riots. Antifa has said that they are coming to the rural areas. Bring it on!!! We aren’t the wussy people in the blue states. We will whittle their numbers down. A lot of guns and ammunition are being bought and we will never surrender them to the government.

  11. I don’t want to see all the pork crap in any bill. The covid relief bill was just that it is suppose to help USA CITIZENS, not illegals, etc., not give money to the arts, foreign countries, bailouts to cities who can’t control their citizens and let them burn the cities to the ground, etc.
    I also think that $600 is a waste of time to send out. It will not cover a month of bills for a family; therefore do not bother with sending it out. INSTEAD, OPEN UP THE COUNTRY AND LET PEOPLE GET BACK TO WORK!!!!!! People are not wanting a handout they want to get back to work, making their wages and passing their bills. All the Dems want, is to make you more and more reliant on the government. “Let us help you”, They say, “Let us give, give and give some more to you.” All they are doing is wreaking this country’s economy, making themselves richer and more powerful, while making you more needy and needing government (supposed) aid.
    I back President Trump and wish that more Republicans were like him. We the people want a strong Republican party that will stand up for the American people, not let the Dems run over them, threaten them, and etc. until they back down, tuck their tails between their legs and crawl away to let the Dems do whatever they please.
    Romney, and now McConnell are the worst for running with the Dems or backing down from them. We need someone who will say to he## with the Dems and their threats, this is what we should be/need to be doing, not saying yes sir, yes ma’am to the Dems when they know better.

  12. These checks could be “afforded”, IF ALL PORK for foreign countries, payments to illegal aliens and all the $$$$$$$$$$$$ going to “special interest groups” was REMOVED from the “bill”
    MUCH of these “payments” (PORK) has NOTHING to do with “covid” relief
    What is wrong with helping hurting LEGAL AMERICANS FIRST???

  13. Congress forgot the President’s request to clean the bill of ALL PORK! No Foreign Aid!! Why are we giving Ukraine, Venezuela, Pakistan, Burma etc millions of dollars in Aid??? Why should there be $$ for construction projects for Congress building and FBI, why are illegals getting $1,800??? And Americans $600? The problem can be resolved very easily 1) figure out how much the increase is going to cost, 2) reduce sections of bill across the board that are NOT NECESSARY and I am sure they will find the monies. American tax payers are paying for this….so who needs the money first???? No bailouts to states that got themselves in trouble. $$ should go directly to citizens and small businesses

  14. The answer is so simple. Approve the $2,000. checks and remove all or at least an equal amount of pork, very unnecessary spending. America first. We are not supporters of the world.

  15. Been a Republican all my life..that ends. Will I be Democrat? Oh hell no. But will definitely not be Republican. Thank you Mitch McConnell for showing your true colors. You i know, have just single handedly lost the senate. Way to go mitch, all so pakistan could fund their Gender research, i could make a list but im just to f__king mad right now. My God man, what are you thinking

  16. Why can’t they take out al the bullcrap stuff that’s in the Bill like the Kennedy Center and 5500 other pages of trash that NO ONE in congress has really read!! Then perhaps they can find the money to help the struggling American people! This is not brain surgery it’s really not!!

    1. I don’t understand the logic of taking money from a bill that’s supposed to help people affected by another country and give part of it to other countries. It’s a damned shame that Americans first can’t be the number one rule for America. It’s not Mitch’s fault. Blame the commiecrats. They started this crap years ago by supporting everyone else including lazy people in America that wouldn’t work.

  17. Mc Connell is obviously a top member of the swamp, he like Pelosi & Shumer need to make a permanent vacation in Guantanamo. without ANY perks/

  18. But he jumps at the chance to support gender studies in pakistan how corrupt is he that he is under democrat rule lately? He ok’d all this money for stupid shit that has nothing to do with covid and not even for Americans. All that money going for stupid people overseas! We the people get $600 when low rent is $1200? Does anyone in DC use their brain for anything? Our government is no longer apart of this country.

    1. “use their brain…?” Heck no, they’ve all got brain freeze from piglosi’s $24 boxes of ice cream she brought in as snacks.

  19. It won’t cost any extra money if you take out everything that had nothing to do with the virus and nothing for any other countries until America is back in its feet. If you cut all of the BS, you’ll save money!!!

  20. WHAT does a m. mcconnel CARE about STRUGGLING Americans, or a n. piglosi, RICH FILTH just CARES about SELF, whether they were born RICH or are so-called politicians, who MAKE themselves RICH through DUBIOUS deals with FOREIGN countries, who are taking an OATH? to CARE for and PROTECT their own People…..???? NOPE, the motto is “ME, ME, ME and ME again….!!!! AND we ALLOWED them to STAY in their positions for DECADES now so that they can DO and MOCK us all they WANT = THAT is our Government nowadays and they are as OLD as Methusalem/belong in NURSING Homes…..!!!!

  21. The turtle face Socialist is part of the problem and that is why i said he should have had another Republican to replace the fool .

  22. Clean the swamp all the old in government especially mitch pelosi shumer Cruz that is our money. You gonna support us
    Our country is being laughed at by others. Well listen up asses we voted you in we will vote you out. You just never let trump b president you are a disgrace to all of us. If you think we will sit here why you party on new years at your vacation home forget it. We want our money 2000.00 now. Pelosi McConnell get lost.

  23. McConnell and the other scumbsgs want our money
    Put us on tje street
    Shut Gov’t DOWN
    Don’t give them No pay
    All Govt No pay incl.Congress

  24. The American People can’t “Save the World ” or control the Dictators we keep sending Taxpayer’s money to that generations will have to pay back because the Dictators Live the “Grandiose Life”with America’s money while their People starve. We Can’t monitor their faults and correct their “Evil ways” because America has a “Soft spot in the Heart” and will bail them out just to squander the $$ we send them while the People of the Countries Starve !

  25. I say we all call our congressmen and let them know we have had enough. They need to be told we all will do a no vote during the next election. No republican vote period unless they back stimulus for aAmericans only, back Trump, and get to the truth about the election fraud now. If this election was stolen and i think it was. They will do it again and your vote won’t matter anyway. Now thats as simple as it gets!

  26. It’s a damn shame we send billions of dollars to foreign countries who don’t even like us and the American people only get $600. Are Congress and the Senate makes me want to throw up

  27. The Republicans passed the damn bill with 10 million for Pakistan for gender studies but want to balk at money for American citizens. I would go for the 600 if only they cut all the pork for foreign countries. Not going to happen so give us the money, I have property taxes I need to pay.

  28. McConnell is concerned that people and business have survived the pandemic – if he can eliminate adequate funding he might be able to get Conservative people to rise up against the government which could create the environment to invoke Martial law against GOP Conservatives .The Pandemic was not injurious enough in McConnell view.
    Use Ocam’s razor to to understand Anti Republic, Anti_Trump McConnell.

  29. Take out ALL the pork! Get the money to the people who need it. Not people who have been working through all of this. That will reduce how much is spent!

  30. I’m not sure what Mitch McConnell is planning to do, but right now, it doesn’t look good. Mitch should have shown support for President Trump, and allowed for the $2000 per person amount instead of leaving the pork in the bill to be sent to other countries. If Mitch is going to take up the rescissions that President Trump carved out of the bill and actually try to eliminate those amounts, then I’m okay with that. However, it’s not going to pass in the House. So, it’s better to use that money towards the $2000 per person as President Trump proposed so at least American citizens will get something, and struggling businesses will get something. If Mitch doesn’t do the right thing, he needs to step down as majority leader. We need someone who will support President Trump and his policies, not a RINO looking out for himself.

  31. Hey Mc attack, trump will not increase the fiscal budget since the Chi-Com created this virus still got assets of billions in US to compensate their evil expense. get on with the program or you will get massive heart attack from your own constinuents.

  32. Why can’t the American people get the 2k and just reduce or eliminate the excess spending . That would fix the spending issue

  33. If McConnell and the Republicans would cut the “pork” from the other bill passed by the house, there would be an extra $464billion that could be used to make up the difference. But that would be asking to much for Congress to do something that was fiscally responsible

  34. ok so object to the kennedy/the smithsonian/ and the crap they thru in their that is our money just thrown away while we have a virus pandemic PLEASE STAND UP TO THESE THIEVES YOU MUST IT IS YOUR JOB EVERY TIME YOU GIVE INTO THEM IT GIVES THEM ANOTHER PIECE OF THE LADDER

  35. And the way the DemoncRATs stole the election by FRAUD and Republicans are IGNORING it is telling us something! Maybe the beginning of the endo if the US is MUCH closer than we thought! And the DemoncRATs have probably already mailed in 2-3-4 times the ballots needed!

  36. Blocking the 2,000.00 stimulus checks while constantly asking for donations for those running for public offices. They just don’t get it and they never will. Not one republican, not one democrat has missed a dime of their pay during all the lockdowns. They never will get it.

  37. Don’t forget Trump has already signed the pork bill into law for some reason he always cave to the promises of McConnell and advisors Trump always sigh away his ace in the hole and the judges he appointed in the Supreme Court who already betrayed him and the constitution

  38. McConnell is a stinking backstabbing Rino. He is best friends with Joe Biden and only looks to get richer with Biden as President. The real Americans should March on DC and run every lifer out. Dc is so corrupt that they need to drop the big one on it. Politicians, ex politicians turned lobbyists run Dc. The funny thing is Trump probably is the most honest guy in Washington. The lifers and the fake media are the only ones that are against him, truth be none. Vote lifers out and quit watching lamestream media.

  39. McCanel its a treytor and he is very corrupt and do not want the midlle class people to survive he is a comunist chiaina lover his wife is a spy and he never care for our country

  40. Good Morning that’s the problem those Bastards keep getting paid us tax payers suck wind and don’t forget we vote these Assholes into office and we can vote them out so listen up Mitch McConnell take all the Pork out of the bill your voting on and give too us Americans it’s our money’s and we want it Now

  41. Its time we the american people take control of a out of control goverment who work for us ! in my eyes they only care about themselves! they vote themselvs raises for doing nothing, we the people should decide how our tax dollars are spent! we the people should be the concern of the people who are supposed to come first. this might be the last of america as we have known it! i stand with our president Trump who has shown us that america comes first!!! he believes as i think any american president should {america first} he believes in the constitution which the democrats have been trying to dismantle ! they are turning america into a third world country ! take a look at New york and california for example. all the tax dollars wasted on b.s. programs and sent to foreign countrys when we the people are in dire straits. its sad and its time we take control of the people who govern us. we need God in back in control of an ungodly goverment!!!

  42. I knew that mitch was 2 faced but he has truly shown his colors. If they are worried about spending additional money they must first remove all foreign aid from being paid then return our money. Oh and while the lame congress is at it give back the money we are paying into your salaries.

  43. I would like everyone to ask this question…if mitch can stop a bill from being voted on just by saying no why do we pay all these other people and their staff?

  44. I am disappointed in the Republicans . President Trump has always worked so hard for the American people and our country . The Republicans should get behind our President on January 6th in D.C if they have a spine. People will remember this when voting comes again.
    Shame on them and Mitch McConnell. God Bless America and God Bless President Trump.

  45. You can Bet old Hog Face McConnell is getting his kick back he has not missed a paycheck in over 35 year’s and his Chinese’s wife’s Family owns the Biggest Shipping Co in the world

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