Rhododendrites via Wikimedia Commons

Colorado passed a measure to award the state’s Electoral College votes to the presidential candidate who wins the national popular vote. 

State resident’s 52% vote to pass Proposition 113 confirmed lawmaker’s 2019 decision to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, along with 15 other states including California, Illinois, New York, and Oregon.

The Compact promises to ensure “every vote, in every state” matters and aims to guarantee the presidency will be awarded to “the candidate who receives the most popular votes across all 50 states and the District of Columbia.”

Currently, the National Popular Vote has not gone into effect. The bill will be enacted when it is adopted by enough states to possess the majority of electoral votes required to elect a president. The addition of Colorado’s nine electoral votes brought Proposition 113’s count up to 196 of the 270 votes necessary to trigger a shift in national policy.

Proponents claim the proposition makes voting less complicated. “The national popular vote is a very straightforward concept,” Democratic state senator Michael Foote said. “One person should always equal one vote, and the presidential candidate who gets the most votes should win the election.”

But critics argue that the change in electoral structure will dilute Colorado’s voting strength against the more densely populated states like California, and suggests cities like L.A. would garner more candidate focus during campaigning. 

Former Colorado House Speaker Frank McNulty (R), thinks residents who voted to pass the bill were manipulated by aggressive California campaign donors. “They were tricked by California billionaires, who spent millions of dollars to buy our votes for president.”

“Colorado’s votes should be decided by Coloradans,” worried the anti-Prop 113 adviser. “This is going to reduce Colorado’s clout, and itʼs going to reduce our influence on issues like transportation, water, health care and funding for our military bases.”

Had the National Popular Vote been in effect during the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton would have won the U.S. presidency over Donald Trump.


  1. So they just gave themselves a legal out to cheat some more and ignore the Electoral College? Anybody who’s got the money can buy the Popular vote, that’s why we have the EC!

    1. Legal????? Sorry, but it is NOT legal. They cannot just make laws that negate the Constitution. Oh, that is right. They have been doing it for centuries to destroy the 2ND AMENDMENT.

          1. The SCOTUS has upheld States’ Faithless Electors laws which state that a State can replace or punish Electors who don’t vote for the candidates they’re pledged to. Please see SCOTUS Decision Chiafalo v. Washington, 591 US___(2020).

          2. Right But I think Trump won the popular vote anyway because the left demos cheated on that too. That means if colorado voted that way and it was legal then Trump won in their state. Trump 2021-2024

        1. Are you implying that Pres. Trump wanted to replace winning electors pledged to Biden? HOWEVER, what Pres. Trump wanted was for winning electors pledged to him to vote for him or be replaced per many States’ Faithless elector laws.

          Per the Constitution, that was up to the States, not the President. In Chiafalo v. Washington 591 US___2020 the US Supreme Court upheld the States’ Faithless elector laws.

      1. That’s a very good point. Many legal scholars say the Compact is unconstitutional. For a good article on that see https://i2i.org/why-the-national-public-vote-scheme-is-unconstitutional/.

  2. If you look at the many many counties which routinely aroe shut out of electoral process then you would KNOW the correct thing to do is inact electoral votes statewide – so those who live in areas that receive state & federal subsidies – city folk – cannot use their power to take the assets of country folk – just because they can – as they do now.

    1. How long will it be before there is a revolution? The conservative patriots have the guns. What we do not have is control of the BUREAUCRATS who act like the BROWN SHIRTS of Hitler’s Germany. Yes, our government employees will come and take your guns. They are willing to DIE in order to do that. God help us.

      1. When they come for the guns. Millions will die, but the left will always remain ignorant as long someone else is feeding them.

      2. Not exactly. What they will do and have stated so is join the U.N. small arms treaty, ostensibly the end “terrorism”, but the effect would be to allow the light blue helmets to come in and confiscate our weapons claiming the U.N. Has “superior authority” over our Constitution.

        1. Thank you. You’re correct in what the progressives will claim as they take an eisegetical view to interpreting the Constitution. This is a real danger with the Biden/Harris socialist Democrat Party coming to power. Thankfully an exegetical interpretation of the Constitution leads to a different conclusion.

          Many, not all, constitutional scholars hold to the view that a treaty MUST be in “pursuance thereof”. That means they must comply with or be in accordance with the principles stated in the Constitution. Otherwise, treaties could wreck havoc and end republican (small r) governance.

          Thus, for a glaring example for progressives, the UN Small Arms Treaty could not void the 2nd Amendment. Likewise, for extreme conservatives, the 1st Amendment could not be overridden so as to exclude the practice of Islam in the US. Sadly, and ominously, both ideas are pushed by those on the extreme edges of our political realms. That’s why an adherence to the letter of the Constitution is so critical to the survival of the Republic.

  3. Typical leftists. They can not win according to the rules so they change the rules. I heard Clemson ACTUALLY won the fb game because they had more yardage than ND. Yeh, let’s just change the rules every couple years. Don’t forget, we will also change the SCOTUS so if the voters do not approve a policy, the scotus will say it is “constitutional” so they law will stand. Third world country- dicatatorship – here we come.

  4. Dont worry, the Blockchain will spew out all counterfeit votes as President Trump has ordered blockchain 18 months ago. The Demrats are in for a huge shock when the Military hand out the actual Quantum Calculating of votes that posses the official Watermark not seen by the naked eye. All the fake Chinese Ballots will be turfed out 🙂 🙂 :)Potus is briliant

    1. You are a brain dead leftist Where did you come up with this garbage. What is a BLOCKCHAIN.
      I tried to look it up It seems that it is a tool used by the people who invented the imaginary currency to protect those who believe in such. So how did you twist this around to make it work for elections. Sounds like something Democrats would do. Let me look at your posting history.

    2. I have news for you. Trump has resisted China. Only the Bidens have relations with them. BILLIONS of relations. What are you talking about “Quantum Calculating” I bet you are a member of ANTIFA and support socialism.
      God have mercy on you.

  5. If we had a good SCOTUS, this would be thrown out. There is no provision in the Constitution for a state to make such a law. That breaks the Constitution wide open. So who is going to take that to the SCOTUS and find out that Roberts and Gorsuch have betrayed the Constitution and the American people.

  6. This has been in the Works for a few years, and it is a very good idea, when you know that the Electoral College was set in place to keep rich white MEN in power, now in 18180 if you did not own land you were not a man and you could not vote, so the rich let you build homes and cities on their land which you leased, in in those days they called it contracted, so you did not own land and could not vote which seems to void the people thinking it was to keep the city people from over powering the vote, and at the same time all Senators and Representatives were appointed by the Governors who were the rich land owners. It really saddens me that so many know nothing about our history or about our Constitution.

  7. So one thing we’ve learned with the Dems is that they don’t do anything without knowing the outcome and they plan ahead even if it means four years of planning. When Trump won in 2016 they were asleep at the wheel and they’re not going to let that happen again. Trumps got the amount of electoral votes ahead of Biden’s amount and this thing the Dems want to change will cover and make Biden the president.

  8. In my youth, I didn’t understand some of what the Constitution was talking about and, of course, being young I hadn’t read the “Federalist Papers” and “Anti-Federalist Papers”. Even though I was still in high school in the 70’s, I knew I was scared about anybody trying to touch (revise) the Constitution since I didn’t believe we had the group of smart/intellectual leader today that we had with those who designed the Constitution. I was right! Today I see the importance of EACH AND EVERY FACET of The Constitution of The United States. I see the attacks against it and I see the importance of defending it!!!! The electoral college is designed on the STATE and NOT THE NATION!!!! The colonies were fearful of too much concentrated power and the drowning of the voices of the minority.

  9. Californicated Colorado just took away the sovereign vote of theirvoters.
    But I believe this ballot initiative has already been decided by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional in a ruling when the legislature tried to pass it.

  10. Just hoping I can be living out of Colorado before next election. It is a demorat socialist state run by haters of the real america. Too many Californication libs moved here and now it’s a mini California.

  11. After immigrating to this Country in 1966 we settled permanently in CO in 1974 and we have seen this State turn from Red to Purple and now solid Blue. Despite our voting against these measures we could not overcome the import of people from Liberal States, mostly CA. This is the reality of today’s politics and we can’t see an easy way back to sanity! Now some in the the insane MSM are promoting revenge on Trump voters and staffers by ruining lives and careers. They have been doing this for four years now and they want us to come together and move forward with Biden??

  12. This would be the end of the USA. Are we sure this is unconstitutional? Why be a member of the US if a few highly populated states run the whole country? Too many takers and not enough makers. We are headed for a civil war and I am betting on the makers. Stalin called them “useful idiots”

  13. Where you find California and New York people you are in trouble. California people are in Colorado and Az. and New Yorkers are everywhere. They spread the virus ideas like the plague.

  14. I talk to the people of Colorado, most veterans, most kiss my ass as far as this goes. It was the Governor’s idea not theirs. They want Trump, not Hidin’ Biden or Heels Up Harris.

  15. Colorado has lost its way! This proves how easily people are manipulated when they do not look past the headlines. This is an extremely dangerous proposal by all these left-leaning states that are undermining what was once a genius concept that is the US Constitution.

    The Electoral College was put in place to protect the “minority states” that did not have the mass populations from the states that did, so they did not ride roughshod over the less populous states. But the more populous states that are heavily liberal/socialist are pushing a false narrative making people believe that adding this popular vote of ALL states combined is something that will allow for all voices to be heard when in reality it is the exact opposite!

  16. Well maybe the Red States can do some cross border raids and depopulate the Blue States. There is a cure for every problem child.

  17. These will all be challenged if it ever becomes an issue in a federal election for president. The rules regarding the electoral college are engrained in our constitution and can only be changed by a constitutional amendment. That requires a supermajority in congress and three quarters of the state to agree.

  18. The Democrat Communists are making their move to take over the US.They want a one party system and are working very hard to achieve that goal.

  19. Let that be the popular vote of the state, not the nation, since the legislature is disallowing the state voters a say in the process. It is clear that all small states lose their voice in presidential election, only the large population centers would enslave the rest of the USA

  20. Won’t hold. The minute a Republican wins the popular vote, but a Democrat wins the electoral college majority, Democratic states will suddenly note that the Constitution says theelectoral college majority prevails, that will be that.

  21. The only reason Democrats want to change anything…laws, our Constitution, the way we vote or any legislation, is if it can benefit their acquisition of more power and money!

  22. The people in this country are not going to be happy until they take it apart. The crazy Democrats are trying to turn us into a one party government and that is not Democracy it is Communism/Socialism. Might as well have elected Putin to run the country because once Biden is locked away with his dementia, that crazy KH is steering us away from everything we have come to love about this country and all the kids who are celebrating, Oh free stuff, will be waking up to a new reality. Assholes…

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