Andy Moreton via Wikimedia Commons

Democrats are now set to take full control of the redistricting process in New York State for the first time in almost 50 years, allowing them to potentially redraw the map to their own advantage.

The Details: The move comes after Democrats in the New York legislature rejected the proposals for redistricting from an independent commission. The commission has one more chance to make proposals, which are likely to be voted down once again leaving the process in the hands of state Democrats.

Due to the Democrats now having a free hand to redraw congressional lines to their own benefits. Experts now believe a Democrat controlled redistricting in New York state may result in up to three or four additional Democrat controlled seats in congress.

New York’s current district lines were draw by a federal court in 2012.


  1. So, here in Ohio the state supreme court voted down the Republican redistricting map, let’s hope that the NY state supreme court does the same to a Demonrat map. Probably not but you could hope!

    1. Did You Know that anybody in the Boundaries of U.S can start gettlng pald every m0nth 15,000 D0IIars or m0re just from w0rk on PC or M0bile. i just got pald 500+ D0IIars every day. F0r Details…. FOX72.COM

  2. New York is slowly becoming the cesspool of America. The D’s are destroying everything. The new Manhattan D.A. wants to bludgeon President Trump but is not concerned about violent crime including a Chinese woman, only forty years old, pushed to her death on a subway track.

    1. It will come to the point where Americans will have to take the law into their own hands. The piece of garbage involved in the crime you are talking about should be disposed of, insane or not.

  3. Three weeks from now you will wish you had started today.HKJ Simply give it a shot on the accompanying site.

    GOOD LUCK… 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐲𝐬𝟎𝟏.𝐓𝐤

  4. The maps should be drawn based strictly on population for each district, not on race or political party registrations. Our election processes themselves are corrupt.

  5. “New York’s current district lines were draw by a federal court in 2012.”

    Isn’t that the likely outcome again? Democrats do their gerrymandering. Their plan is challenged in court. The districts are then determined by a federal court.

  6. That is just like what a Democrats would do. They would do anything to cheat that is most of them do they don’t care about the people or their country

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