Image of what Earth may look like 5-7 billion years from now, when the Sun swells and becomes a Red Giant. It is a modified version of the File:Red Giant Earth.jpg image uploaded by Fsgregs. The main difference is that the Sun has been brightened and given an orange hue. Via Wikimedia Commons.

Reigning Chaos

Salzman writes, “We should accept that complexity is the norm, embrace it to the extent we can, and find ways, large and small, to tether ourselves and inject points of calm and clarity. Weighted blankets, meet flotation therapy, reduced workweeks, virtual reality boosted meditation, and a continued surge in psychotropic drugs.”



    1. I heard about and I’ve made such great money. It’s really user friendly and I’m just so happy that I found out about it. The potential with this is endless. 
      Here’s what I do… 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟎𝟏.𝐓𝐤

  1. Sound’s more like one of those hippie-communes, without the weed…’acting’ like, it’s on steroids, from the 60’s, micro-waved & reheated, for the 22nd century❓ But I do agree with her prediction, about there being “lotsa of psychotropic-drugs” in America’s, future.😵‍💫

    1. There are already far too many psychotropic drugs out there, particularly among school age boys. its past epidemic levels.

  2. Nothing new here. All he has to do is take this year and change the freaking year. We have all these things now thanks to Creepy Joe and will have them until he is impeached.

  3. I See a future where democrats get voted out and we undo everything they did to the country.We will return to being a great country run the way we want it run.

  4. Worthless click bait! Please refrain from feeding us crap like this in the future. We prefer facts to fantasy, although fantasy does seem to appeal to Damnocrats.

  5. All over a virus whose morbidity rate is less than regular flu, down to 1% and always has been. The math is so simple. Just divide the number of any infected published by reliable sources and the rate that died over the same period. Since the beginning I checked this out and with no exceptions.
    The only time it spiked was when places like NY threw in all deaths to bump the morbidity rate up. Fake reporting on either statistic is SO easy to spot.
    “A fear tactic” but also a warning about our government and what the chinese are willing to do to the world. Equal warning about both hazards today.

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